Titan Panel [CraftCooldown]

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This Titan Panel addon remembers the cooldowns of various trade skills e.g. Titansteel, Transmutes, Cloth Creation, Northrend Research.

It tracks the skill cooldowns of each of your characters, across all realms, on one account. The Titan Panel tooltip will tell by character what cooldowns are active or available, and how much time is remaining until each cooldown expires.
The addon will also notify you when cooldowns are just about to expire and then when they do expire through your chat panel on any character on the account.

If you have a rarely-played character, maybe even on a different server that you use to do Northrend Inscription Research, for example, this is a great way to make sure you always make one on time.

Unfortunately this addon cannot work across different Warcraft accounts due to the way World of Warcraft currently saves Lua variables. It will present a list of cooldowns for all characters on all realms for the same account only.

This is a continuation of the work done previously by myself (GrayElf), previously maintained by Aniarc, and shadoh.

A Beta for 5.0 has been posted, and initial testing looks good - but some cooldowns I can't get mats for, and I don't have access to all the professions, particularly at higher levels. Please post any issues with the Beta below!

If you have old (no longer valid) cooldowns listed, you will need to clear your data, and then open each skill by each character on the account.

Non-English localizations have not been updated in some time, and any updates from people knowing those languages would be appreciated!


Its a fork of https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/titantradecooldown