We serve as a global index for game mods, providing users with a centralized platform to explore and discover mods from various sources on the Internet! Our goal is to allow users to discover many mods in one place while adhering to a standardized and clean template for mod data. This template includes essential information such as mod descriptions, installation guides, and more, ensuring a consistent and user-friendly experience.
This website is open source and developed by Christian Deacon!
Mods are currently collected and added manually or through our private web scraper. Generally, all links such as downloads are directed back to the website(s) where the mod originated from.
The decision to use a web scraper is something we've thought about for close to a year given web scraping is generally frowned upon. However, after receiving feedback from multiple mod creators and the fact that we direct all download links back to the original source, we've decided to create and utilize a web scraper to give our users more mods to choose from. Additionally, we only web scrape public information from our list of mod sources which is currently legal in the United States. We also follow each mod source website's robots.txt file to ensure we aren't web scraping data that shouldn't be web scraped.
With that said, if you do not want your mods or sources listed on our website, you may request a removal of your content. To do so, please read the I do not want my mods or sources listed on this website. Can I remove them? question below.
Our web scraper is current private and closed-source. This is to protect code that parses and extracts data of mods from other websites and prevent users from using the code for malicious purposes. There is a slight chance we make the code open source in the future, but only for extracting and parsing data from our website itself.
We currently collect the following mod data.
- Title/name.
- An image that represents the banner; Sometimes the mod's first screenshot if no other image is found (stored locally on our server).
- A short and long description (the long description is converted from HTML to Markdown syntax and represented that way).
- The owner's name, if any.
- An installation guide (converted from HTML to Markdown syntax and represented that way).
- The current version, if any.
- A NSFW flag, if the mod is marked as NSFW.
- Sources from other websites (where the mod originated from).
- Download links to other websites along with the file's size and upload date, if any.
- Screenshot URLs from other websites.
- A list of users who are credited, if any.
Additionally, our private web scraper tries to find the most accurate information for each mod. However, it isn't perfect and doesn't include any AI-integration. Therefore, there are times where the mod's data will be incorrect. In this case, a contributor or admin will need to update the information. Please read the A mod's information is outdated. How can I get it updated? question below for more information.
We try to store as little user data as possible due to the website's source code being open source. While we are confident in our website's security, no application or website is fully bullet-proof from being data breached. Therefore, we try to store as little information as possible
With that said, the following data is stored in our application's database if you sign in through Discord.
- Discord username.
- Email associated with the Discord account.
- A URL to the Discord avatar (becomes invalid if the user changes their avatar).
- Session/access tokens specifically to our website.
Yes. If you would like your account removed, please reach out to an administrator or email us at [email protected]!
In the future, we will consider adding the option for users to delete their account(s) manually.
Of course! If you want your mod(s) and content removed from our website, you may file a request through our website here. Alternatively, you may email us at [email protected] or reach out to a contributor or admin directly.
After verifying ownership of your content, we will remove your content from our website and ensure it isn't added again by our web scraper.
Users who are a contributor or admin can edit mod data including banner/screenshots, description, installation, sources, version, download links, and more. We would recommend reaching out to a contributor or admin directly, or emailing us at [email protected] to request an update.
In the future, we plan to implement a change request form users may use to request an information update on mod(s).
A mod can be flagged as NSFW (Not Suitable For Work). When this happens, the mod's banner and screenshots are blurred out until the user clicks the View button in the middle of the image.
Our private web scraper tries to determine if the mod is NSFW automatically. However, if it can't, a contributor or admin will need to mark it as NSFW manually. If you find a mod that is NSFW, but not flagged, you may use the Report button on the mod view's view page to send a request to contributors and admins. Otherwise, you may reach out to a contributor or admin directly or email us at [email protected]!
In the future, we will consider adding AI-integration to scan each image for NSFW content automatically. However, we will require more server resources for this when the time comes.
At this time, there are no plans to implement mod reviews or comments. There are a few reasons for this which are described below.
Firstly, we want as little moderation as possible on our end. Allowing comments and reviews will heavily increase the need for moderation and additional security implementations.
Secondly, there is a high chance the mod's author(s) aren't aware of the mod being listed on our website. Therefore, it isn't fair for others to write reviews and comments when the author(s) aren't aware.
Lastly, we would prefer users going to the websites where the mod originated to write reviews/comments since the source should be receiving that traffic.
At the time, there are no advertisements ran on our website. However, there is a high chance this will change in the future.
This has been another topic we've thought long and hard about, especially with the website being open source. After finishing our web scraper and having over a thousand mods added to the website, it became clear we will need more server resources and disk space in the future which will raise the server cost. Therefore, we will be running paid advertisements in the future to receive revenue for server's cost.
We are always looking for help on the project! To help out, you can either reach out to us about becoming a contributor or help implement features into the website. Otherwise, we are open to suggestions and feedback!
Currently, the website is being solely developed by Christian Deacon.
If you would like to help out, please reach out to an admin directly or email us at [email protected]!
112670 | Mods |
27 | Games |
67 | Categories |
9 | Sources |
81 | Users |