Syndicator will keep track of, search for and show in tooltips where your items are in all your characters bags, banks, mail, void storage and auctions, also warbands, guilds and all your gold and currencies. This addon is also used by Baganator to power the inventory functionality.
If you're looking for a bag addon, see Baganator.
Searching everything
Use the command
/syns [search-term]
to search for any items.
As well as searching by item name there is a lot more the Syndicator search can do.
A ton of keywords are supported plus anything that Blizzard creates as a tooltip keyword. Typing out the whole search term is rarely needed as just the start will often match. For example you can search for:
- armor
- azerite - azerite gear
- battle pet (or just pet) - for battle pets either in cages or as usable items
- boa - bind on account items
- bop - soulbound items
- bows
- collected - any pets, mounts or tmogs already in your collection (also uncollected)
- consumable
- df - only items from the dragonflight expansion
- dragonflight - the same as df
- engravable - for classic season of discovery, any item that could have a rune inscribed
- engraved - for classic season of discovery, any items with a rune inscribed on them
- fish
- food
- drink
- gear - all equipment
- head - head items
- invisibility - potions that turn you invisible
- intellect - any gear or gem that grants intellect stat (other stats like stamina, etc. are also supported)
- junk - items that your junk addon (if supported) or blizzard (as configured) regards as junk
- manuscript - dragonflight dragon appearance manuscripts
- mop - only items from mists of pandaria
- off-hand
- one-handed axes
- poor/common/rare/epic/legendary/artifact - items that are poor/common/rare/epic/legendary/artifact
- potion - any potions or elixirs
- reagent - crafting reagent
- relic
- reputation - items that give you reputation
- secrets of azeroth - items that are part of the secrets of azeroth quests in retail
- set - all equipment in an equipment set (either a Blizzard one, or one from a supported addon)
- socket - items with sockets, you can also search for things like
blue socket
to get items just with blue sockets - staff - staffs
- toy
- tradeable loot - loot with a timer on when it can be traded
- trinket
- uncollected - any pets, mounts or tmogs not in your collection (also collected)
- use - any items you can use on this character
- weapon
Item levels
Some examples:
- 155 - to find any items which are item level 155
- <250 - any items with 250 item level or less
150 - any items with 150 item level or more
- 110-140 - any items with the item level between 110 and 140
Modified searches
Any search can be modified to be the opposite or combined/excluded with another search term, for example
- 155&head - any head equipment that is item level 155
- use&reputation - any usable reputation items
- ~junk - any items are are not junk
- reputation&~dragonflight - any reputation items that aren't from dragonflight
- cooking&dragonflight - any cooking items from dragonflight
- ~dragonflight - any items from old expansions
- cloth&equipment - any cloth equipment
- engravable&~engraved - any equipment missing a rune (SoD only)
- neck|trinket - any neck items or trinkets
Searches using other addons data
With either "ItemVersion" or "All The Things" installed, typing in the patch version, or part of the patch will get you all the items that were released in it:
for items released in the 10 series of patches10.1
everything released in the 10.1 series of patches10.1.0
everything released in 10.1.0
All The Things
- currency - any items used as currency to buy items at vendors
- objective - any items used to complete a quest
To browse your characters inventories use Baganator.
This addon serves multiple purposes
- A backend for Baganator to store all the bag information and search queries
- A way for users who don't want the Baganator (or even any addon bags) to get the same tracking of items as Baganator
- A way for other addons to borrow Baganator's tracking system so they can implement their own offline searches/views/item counts.
Removing Characters/Guilds from Syndicator
Deleting a character
/syn removecharacter CharacterName-RealmNameNoSpaces
Toggle hiding a character from tooltips
/syn hidecharacter CharacterName-RealmNameNoSpaces
Deleting a guild
/syn removeguild GuildName-RealmNameNoSpaces
Toggle hiding a guild from tooltips
/syn hideguild GuildName-RealmNameNoSpaces