Quest Tracker Background

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IMPORTANT NOTE: 10.1 added the ability to set an opacity for the objective tracker background so this addon is functionally unnecessary unless you always want the background to extend all the way down to the bottom of the frame.  I prefer the in-game implementation, though, so I'll be using that and will not be providing any additional updates to Quest Tracker Background.  It seems to still work in 10.1 if you do want to keep using it.

Adds a backdrop to the quest tracker to improve readability.

Note: The minimap button is designed to work with the new Edit Mode Dragonflight-era Minimap and should support a resized Minimap via the "Edit Mode Expanded" addon which I use, love and highly recommend; any other Minimap customizations or Minimap button bag style addons will likely be incompatible and you may need to use the /qb options to configure the background if the minimap button doesn't show up or doesn't work correctly; if the Minimap button shows up and you don't want it to, /qb mmb will hide it.


  • Minimap button for addon customization
  • Background is anchored to the edit mode objective tracker frame and will move or resize itself automatically with the objective tracker frame
  • Lock/unlock the frame background to allow click-through
  • Change the background opacity to balance contrast with the ability to see more of the world behind the frame to your personal taste; I like 75%
  • Settings are saved per character