Plater Nameplates

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Plater is a nameplate addon with an extraordinary amount of settings, out of the box debuff tracking, threat coloring, support for scripting similar to WeakAuras and + the WeakAuras-Companion for Mod/Script/Profile updates.


Plater mods and scripts now have options!
Mod/Script authors can add custom options to their creations and user can change the values to their liking through a new options menu.
All user values are persisted in the profile and will not be changed when the mod/script is updated.
Currently the following options are implemented: Text, Color, Number, Toggle, Options Label and Options Blank Line.

The options value can be accessed in code via the 'modTable.config' table with the option key, e.g. 'modTable.config["option1"]'
For an example, please have a look at the following Mod:

Plater now supports the WeakAuras-Companion app to update scripts, mods and full profiles directly from!

To use this feature, the following steps need to be taken:
- You'll need to re-import mods/scripts or your profile from once to update all necessary information.
- Install the WeakAuras-Companion app version 3.0.1 (or later), which is available here:
- If an update is available, a small wago-Icon will show on the mod/script and the right-click menu gives you the option to update.
   You can either create a copy or overwrite the mod/script upon updating.

For any questions or issues regarding this new feature, please visit us in the Details/Plater discord (link below) and post in the #wa-companion-support channel.

Send feedback Joining Details! Discord Server


Plater and Details! are made by the same author

Plater is currently maintained by: cont1nuity

You can reach him (Ariani#0960) and Tercio on the Discord above.

Support Plater Nameplates development:

Frequently Asked Questions

Scripting Tutorials and Documentation


- To help test alpha and beta versions of Plater: right click it in twitch app > release type > Apha.

General Features:

- Everything works out of the box.

- Profile, Mod and Script updates available through the WeakAuras-Companion app!

- More than 500 settings to fine any aspect of the nameplate.

- Separate settings for different unit types: you can nameplates for enemy players different than enemy npcs.

- Lua Scripting support for custom effects.

- Several bundle scripts for mythic dungeons.

- Aura tracking with 4 tabs to config.

- Color by aggro out of the box.

- Customization of your personal bar.

- Quest coloring.