This very basic addon displays the ingenious image from the Guide to WoW Pet Battles at that illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of different pet classes in a convenient wheel. It greatly speeds up the learning curve by succintly and elegantly illustrating 40 relationships. An easy way to remember is to think of the arrow as "Has superior offense to:" and "Has superior defense to:"
The original two wheels from Warcraftpets has been combined into one wheel. The outer ring is offense, the inner ring is defense. The background is transparent, and the middle of the wheel is left blank; my suggestion is to place the heal pet button there using using Button Forge or Bartender as the Strata is set to "High," so the image will appear over any buttons, which are "Medium."
To move, left click it.
To resize, right click a corner.
To turn on or off, type /pw show or /pw hide.
Image used with permission from Credit goes to Dargno for creating the original infographic.
Thanks to Snoopy101x for helping make it resizeable and adding show/hide commands.
Possible To do:
-Freeze the square shape when resizing (minor QoL) -Highlight glows when a certain pet is selected.
To display racial abilities, check out my other pet addon, Petrace