Corrupted Wannabe
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CorruptedWannabe is for all of us Paladins that wish we had Corrupted Ashbringer so that it would speak to us! With this addon when you enter combat, there is a chance that the Corrupted Ashbringer sound effects will play and that the Ashbringer will whisper to you.
All you need to do is enable the addon! The addon works for all races and classes.
By default, there is a 10% chance that Ashbringer will whisper to you and play a sound effect. If you would like to tweak these settings, you may use the following commands:
- **/cwb percent
**This allows you to effectively change the PROC chance of the sound effect and whisper. You may enter any number from 1 to 100, indicating the percentage chance of the PROC. - **/cwb whispers <on|off>**This will enable or disable the whispers that appear in your chat log. By default, whispers are enabled.
Future Functionality
- An actual configuration window instead of just slash commands.
- More sound effect options, such as Lich King effects for Death Knights.
- "Passive" mode so that sounds have a chance to play at any time, rather than just when entering combat.