Simple addon to automatically enable and disable combat logging, to ensure data can be uploaded to WarcraftLogs or AskMrRobot.
Default settings
AutoLoggingCombat Status: Mythic Raids: Enabled. Options: (raidmythic, mythicraid, rm, mr) Heroic Raids: Enabled. Options: (raidheroic, heroicraid, rh, hr) Normal Raids: Enabled. Options: (raidnormal, normalraid, rn, nr) Raid Finder (LFR): Disabled. Options: (raidlfr, lfrraid, lfr) Legacy Raids: Disabled. Options: (raidlegacy, legacyraid, rl, lr) Mythic+ Dungeons: Enabled. Options: (dungeonmythicplus, mythicplusdungeon, dmp, mpd, m+) Mythic Dungeons: Enabled. Options: (dungeonmythic, mythicdungeon, dm, m) Heroic Dungeons: Disabled. Options: (dungeonheroic, heroicdungeon, dh, hd) Normal Dungeons: Disabled. Options: (dungeonnormal, normaldungeon, dn, nd) Timewalking Dungeons: Disabled. Options: (timewalking, tw) Scenarios: Disabled. Options: (scenario, s) Delves: Disabled. Options: (delves, d)
Always On: Disabled. Options: (alwayson, ao) To enable/disable automatic combat logging for a specific type, just type the following in your chat:
/alc mythicraid
To toggle combat logging for that type.
This addon was created purely because i kept forgetting to activate combat logging before running into raids or mythic+, this addon can be configured to do this automatically, so you don't have to worry about it ever again.
No fancy UI's, just simple basic chat-commands to configure this.