Adibags - Ren's Filters: Reputation
This add-on is a plug-in for AdiBags that makes a "Reputation" AdiBag filter that groups items whose main purpose is to grant or give an increase to reputation gains, in these general categories:
Consumables - Consumable items that grant reputation that are not contracts. Examples:
Writs, Commendations and Insignias
Hozen Peace Pipe
Medallion of the Legion -
Quest Items - Quest items that grant reputation when turned in. Examples:
Timbermaw Tribe items
Tiller items
Aldor/Scryer items
Steamwheedle Preservation Society items -
Tabards - Tabards that grant reputation. Examples:
Darnassus Tabard
Undercity Tabard
Illustrious Guild Tabard -
Contracts - Contracts from Battle for Azeroth
Guild Banners
These categories can be toggled to be included or excluded from the reputation group. This is my first add-on, so please let me know if there are any issues, including suggestions for additional items it should handle.
I also want to say thanks to the handful of people who already have posted AdiBag add-ons; it was helpful to have templates to analyze as I tried to figure all of this out; particularly I want to thank Myrroddin and LownIgnitus for their AdiBag add-ons.
This add-on requires AdiBags.
(note this project was renamed from Adibags - Reputation to give it a more distinctive name. It was getting too confusing with all of these similarly-named add-ons)