Darker Nights - Next Gen

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Makes the nights darker and more immersive. Darkness levels, time frames, and regional settings all customizable in the mod's menu.


This is a straightforward transfer of the code from shaedhen's Darker Nights and mandelbrot's Smoother Transitions patch to the latest next-gen scripts.

Since this is not one of my own mods and I have other things on my plate, I will not be offering support for it.

If you have made updates, fixes, or improvements, please DM me and I can add you as a contributor so that you can upload your updated version.

This is strictly the original mod as-is for those of us who've been using it for years. Anyone who wants to make patches or build on it is welcome to do so.

*You must have the latest version of the game: Complete Edition Version 4.04a

  1. Place the modDarkerNights folder into your W3 mods directory.

  2. Place the bin folder into your main W3 directory.

  3. In your W3 directory, go to bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc > open dx12filelist.txt or dx11filelist.txt > add DarkerNights.xml; to the bottom of the list.

  4. After the loading the game, go to the Darker Nights menu and in the main menu and/or regional settings, click the Default preset at the top, then adjust the sliders from there as you prefer.


  1. If you use Friendly Meditation:

You need the optional patch in the downloads section. Place the modFriendlyMeditation folder into your W3 mods directory and allow it to overwrite the two scripts in the main Friendly Meditation mod (backup FM first in case you decide to uninstall DN).

You MUST have W3 Complete Edition with the latest (second) hotfix, as well as Friendly Meditation version 0.9.2NGE. If you do, the scripts should merge without conflict.

  1. If the Darker Nights menu is not showing up correctly, you either:

Have too many mod menus and need this patch.

Put the entire Darker Nights folder into your mods directory instead of the modDarkerNights folder.

Are using a language that doesn't have localization, in which case please help the community by translating the menu strings.

Darker Nights mod by shaedhen

Smoother Transitions patch by mandebrot

Next Gen update by me

Enhanced Version by jojolapin102 (Shared Imports mod is required)

French translation by Prophix62

Russian translation by Geka4epist