Book Inspired set Cos Wiecej - Standalone DLC

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ZOST and Bjorn18

Ever since I read the books I waited for someone to release armor mod that would match what I had in mind. So I waited... And waited...
Until I realized, that if you want something done, you gotta do it yourself. So I started learning how to mod... And here we are!

This mod adds a standalone armor set and swords to the game that match my interpretation of the book description (see the very end).


  • Leather Jacket Armor
  • Silver studded Gloves (2 versions)
  • Old worn Pants
  • Boots with a dagger
  • Completely custom Steel sword    (Albion Regent, if you know - you know ;) )
  • Completely custom Silver sword (Albion Maximilian, also if you know - you know ;) )
  • New addition: Alt version of Mahakaman Rune Sihil (Witcher 1 fans will enjoy this one)by Franci04 and Alt Gloves

All of the items can be bought off of Hattori blacksmith in Novigrad
If you have any issues with the shop or otherwise you can add the items via console commands (case sensitive)

Base Game:
Spoiler:  Show Armor - additem('wiecej')
Gloves - additem('wiecej gloves')
Gloves Alt - additem('wiecej gloves 2')
Pants - additem('wiecej pants')
Boots - additem('wiecej boots')
Steel sword - additem('wiecej steel')
Silver sword - additem('wiecej silver')
Mahakaman Rune Sihil - additem('rune sihil')
Mahakaman Rune Sihil Alt - additem('rune sihil 2')

For NGP:
Spoiler:  Show Armor - additem('wiecej ngp')
Gloves - additem('wiecej gloves ngp')
Gloves Alt - additem('wiecej gloves 2 ngp')
Pants - additem('wiecej pants ngp')
Boots - additem('wiecej boots ngp')
Steel sword - additem('wiecej steel ngp')
Silver sword - additem('wiecej silver ngp')
Mahakaman Rune Sihil Alt - additem('rune sihil 2 ngp')
Mahakaman Rune Sihil - additem('rune sihil ngp')

***THIS IS NOT A REPLACER***1. Download
2. Unzip
3. Put the dlcCosWiecej folder into your Witcher 3 DLC folder ex.:

 \Steam\steamapps\common\The Witcher 3**DLC**\

YES, DLC folder, not Mods folder, please make sure you do that before you ask why the mod isn't working.

As far as conflicts go, any mod that changes stats of armors and weapons, for example W3EE, may mess up the intended way this mod functions.

I'm planning to add:

  • One of early concept gloves I was thinking of ✓
  • Mahakaman rune sihil from Baptism of Fire book ✓
  • Maybe Roach gear (?) ✗
  • Fix any issues, tweaks and bugs that may come up ✗
  • Make 'No Levels' mod compatible, because I like that mod :D ✓
  • Make into a craftable set with schematics ✗
  • Make 'Static World' mod compatible ✓
  • Set a fixed level to gear ✗

But I don't promise anything :)
And no crossbows, sorry, not book canon.

Completed - ✓
Not yet Completed - ✗

The NUMBER ONE helper was Bjorn_18 aka 18mic11 he did 99% of the process for making this mod a standalone DLC, and not a replacer like I was planning, he created all of the folder structures, definitions and entity files.
He also gave A LOT of feedback. Thank you brother))
Also HUGE, absolutely MASSIVE thank you to Wolven Workshop Discord community for giving feedback and helping me resolve all of the problems on my way
Marvel Master for making modding tutorials on YT and making this process more approachable
Franci04 for basically creating a new version of the Mahakaman Rune Sihil (Alt version)

Thank you Blender - Epicly epic cool free 3D software
Thank you Substance Painter - Epicly epic cool texture painting software
Thank you Traderain, SkacikPL, Lim3zer0.kote2ster, Jicksaw, dhandha, ali-alidoust, rmemr, KNG, erx, Cthulhu and GeorgeTziots for Wolven Kit, would not be possible without it
And, of course, thank you CDPR for the amazing game

Now the nerd sh*t. Here are the excerpts from the books that I based my appearances on. In 3 different languages:


Spoiler:  Show Сoś Więcej
"Zeskoczył z konia, ściągnął z ramion płaszcz. Yurga zobaczył,
ze nieznajomy nosi miecz na plecach, na pasie skośnie
przerzuconym przez pierś. Miał niejasne odczucie,
ze już kiedyś słyszał o ludziach w podobny sposób noszących
broń. Czarna, skórzana, sięgająca bioder kurtka z
długimi mankietami skrzącymi się od srebrnych ćwieków
mogłaby wskazywać, że nieznajomy pochodzi z Novigradu lub okolic,
ale moda na takie odzienie szeroko się ostatnio
rozprzestrzeniła, zwłaszcza wśród miedziaków.
Miedziakiem jednak nieznajomy nie był"

"Strażnicy  wpadli  do  karczmy  z  hukiem  i  szczękiem,  we  trzech.  Musieli  być  w  pobliżu.
Okręcone rzemieniami pałki mieli w pogotowiu, ale na widok trupów
natychmiast dobyli mieczy. Riv przylgnął plecami do ściany, lewą ręką wyciągnął
sztylet z cholewy"..."Riv wyprostował się.
Szybko chwycił klingę pod lewą pachę, a prawą, uniesioną do góry, w stronę  
strażników,  nakreślił  w  powietrzu  skomplikowany,  szybki  znak.  Błysnęły ćwieki,  
którymi  gęsto nabijane były długie aż do łokci mankiety skórzanego kaftana".


Spoiler:  Show Something More
"He got down from his horse and took off his coat. The merchant noticed
that the stranger carried a sword on a shoulder strap with a harness slung diagonally
across his chest. He had a vague impression of hearing about people who carried
their weapons in such manner. The black leather jacket reaching to the waist and
the long gauntlets studded with silver nails could indicate that the stranger
comes from Novigrad or its surrounding area, but such clothing fashion for
such garments had been popular lately, especially among young men.
The stranger however was no youngster".

The Witcher
"Three guards rushed into the tavern with thuds and clangs. They must have been close by.
They had truncheons wound with leather straps at the ready, but at the sight of the corpses,
drew their swords. The Rivian pressed his back against the wall and, with his left hand,
pulled a dagger from his boot"..."The Rivian straightened.
He quickly pinned his blade under his left arm and with his right hand raised toward
the guards, swiftly drew a complicated sign in the air. The clout-nails which studded
his tunic from his wrists to elbows flashed".

Spoiler:  Show Нечто Большее
"Он соскочил с седла, скинул плащ, и Йурга увидел,
что незнакомец носит за спиной на ремне, наискось
пересекающем грудь, меч. У него было туманное ощущение,
что когда-то он уже слышал о людях, именно так носящих
оружие. Черная, кожаная, доходящая до бедер куртка с
длинными манжетами, искрящимися от серебристых набивок,
могла указывать на жителя Новиграда или его окрестностей,
впрочем, мода на такую одежду в последнее время вообще
широко распространилась, особенно среди молодежи. Однако
молодым незнакомец не был наверняка".

"В трактир с шумом и лязгом ворвались трое стражников. Видимо находились неподалёку.
Обернутые ремнями палицы были на готове, но увидив трупы,
стажи тут же выхватили мечи. Ривянин прильнул спиной к стене, левой рукой,
вытащил из-за голенища кинжал"..."Ривянин выпрямился.
Быстро перехватил меч под левую руку, а правой, выставив ее в строну
стражников, начертил в воздухе сложный знак. Сверкнули набивки,
которыми были густо покрыты длинные, по самые локти манжеты кожанной куртки".

 Artwork by Alexander Kharibyn AKA Birakh, thank you Bjorn for showing it to me :D
Spoiler:  Show