Yet Another Jump Mod
So, I know there is already Jump Over, but this mod is a bit smoother in determining when to stop forward jump velocity. Also, it lets you jump big things:
If you don't want to jump big things, you can change the maximum jump distance in the config.json file to how many tiles you think you should reasonably be able to jump. Default is 10 tiles max.
Horses now jump with you as well! If you have a custom horse skin, turn on CustomHorseTexture in the config.json file. This is because the horse shadow was stuck to the horse and had to be separated. You might want to remove the shadow from your horse texture as well, since this mod takes care of it. There's also an option to offset the horse shadow by custom number of pixels.
Gratitude to spacechace0 for Jump Over, I love that mod, and this mod is based on it.
Requires SMAPI, does not use Harmony.
Compatible with Mod Updater for automatic updates.
Code is at
If you want to complain or ask for help or help me test my mods, you can visit my Discord server.
A list of all my mods for Stardew Valley is available at