YoRHa 2B face preset

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*Since now i decided to release my follower and face preset separately cuz it pass unnoticed, also people report that had no idea on how to use it so here is the whole package (instruction face preset)


You'll need high poly head from vector plexus, the eyes of beauty, diamond skin, expressive facegen morphs and expressive facial animation basically*

*How to use it:
_Basically she is a Nord but you can use it in any race
_From the preset tab in racemenu press F9 and chosse her 
_Choose the high poly head option on face part slider in head tab of racemenu, after that she may has a neckseam, change the weight and it will dissapear.
_On the sculpt tab press F9 and choose her mesh and now you are set
_I highly reccomend my body preset if you want her to look like the pictures
_Want my follower? You can find it here
_You can find her wig here
*Diamond texturesRacemenu*EAR bodyslide preset CBBE BHUNP (dibellian symmetry) *High Poly HeadThe Eyes of Beauty