Thalmor Armor Set
Craft Thalmor Armour at any forge (under Leather).
(Male & Female)
Weight: L = Light H = Heavy
Thalmor ArmourL (13) H (15)
Thalmor Gloves L(5) H (8)
Thalmor Hood* L (10) H (13)
Thalmor Boots L (10) H (13)
Requires: Advanced Armours, Arcane Blacksmith.
Available in: Blue & Black (wearing any mix will still give the full set bonus)
Depending on what mods are loaded, the numbers below may differ. It could be 05xxxxxx 06xxxxxx etc.
Armor: 060048B5
Hood: 06004E1C
Gloves: 06005381
Boots: 06005382
Armor: 060063B5
Boots: 06006925
Gloves: 06006926
Hood: 06006927
If these don't work, open console and type 'help thalmor' Use pageup/down to scroll through.
Known Bugs:
None known at the moment.
Note: Wearing this armour does not make you a member of the Thalmor (no disguise), It's just the armour!
*Circlet friendly