Quiet Cat Feet Patches - Better Animal Footsteps - Pets of Skyrim - Pets Kingdom - The Manor of the Pets - A Cat's Life
This is a very simple set of ESP-replacer patches to make cats in "Pets Kingdom", "The Manor of the Pets", and "A Cat's Life" use the same cat footstep sound sets as those of "Pets of Skyrim", which in turn means the PoS patch in "Better Animal Footsteps" will now also apply to all those mods' cats. It doesn't affect other creatures since they don't have custom new footstep sounds BAF had to patch. BAF is recommended by the STEP Guide.
In Detail
Depending on which one(s) you download, each patch uses CatsOfSkyrim.esp from "Pets of Skyrim" as a master for: PetKing.esp from "Pets
Kingdom"; Manor.esp from "The Manor of the Pets"; or ACatsLife.esp from "A Cat's Life". It then tells ARMA records of the latter ESP(s) to use the new cat footfalls from CatsOfSkyrim.esp for cats in the other mod(s), instead of Sabre Cat sounds, or Skeever sounds, or no sounds at all in a few cases.
If you also have Better Animal Footsteps installed with its Pets of Skyrim patch, then its even quieter footfalls will apply to PK/TMotP/ACL cats automatically.
Where applicable, the patch also preserves "Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch" and "NARC - No Animals Report Crimes" fixing intent, so that natural animals don't have crime awareness, can't magically report you to the guards for crimes they witness, and don't interfere with your stealth meter indicating whether your sneaking has been detected. In one of the mods, spectral animal summons and animal statues (technically coded as NPCs) have had the "does not bleed" flag turned on. Oh, and one mod with rats was tweaked to use skeever sounds instead of rabbit sounds, to match the other mod with rats (skeevers are basically ugly rats, and rats don't hop like rabbits).
Installation and Requirements
* Pets of Skyrim (at least CatsOfSkyrim.esp and the cat sounds); this is the master mod for the quiet kitteh feet.
Plus at least one of the entire following mods (which ever one or ones match the patches you get):
* The Manor of the Pets
* A Cat's Life
* Better Animal Footsteps (use the FOMOD option to install the PoS patch)
Install the (or each) patch after the other mods. Install like any other mod, with or without a mod manager. If asked to replace an existing ESP, then do so.
One or more of these mods may require Dawnguard, Dragonborn, or even all three DLCs; it depends one which one(s) you've installed.
Permissions and Credits
I impose no restrictions on this patch beyond those imposed by the original mods (in most cases if you want to borrow cats or other resources from these mods into in your own mod you'll need to ask the author(s); and they also can't be uploaded to other sites or used in paid mods, so these patches can't either).
"Pets of Skyrim" is the work of Qasiermo. "Pets Kingdom" and "The Manor of the Pets" are the work of gg77. "A Cat's Life" is the work of DarkFox127. "Better Animal Footsteps" is the work of Volnaiskra. Nothing has been used from them or done to them other than a handful of record tweaks have been made for compatibility with each other and with previous patches like USLEP and NARC. All these authors will receive an equal share of the Nexus Mod Rewards / Donation Points from this mod. Some of these modders credit others for various models and textures and animations and such, none of which are present in my patches.
Nexus requires an image for all mods now, so I used part of one (by Queenieangel) showing cat feet, from the Pics tab of Pets Kingdom, and added text to it.