Night Eye Fix for Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim LE

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Luca - EzioTheDeadPoet

Night Eye Fix for Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim <- Version for Special Edition

Night Eye seems to have no effects on non PC actors due to it being a visual effect that only influences the rendering of the game without actor status changes.
This makes it that if an NPC has an item with the Night Eye enchantment it gets triggered like a "global" variable and changes the players vision.
This tweak stops this from happening by making Night Eye only work on the player and disable it for any other actor.

And since it only ever changed the visuals anyways, unless Enai Siaion coded any NPC to act like a Khajit/Vampire in the dark with their detection AI once they have that enchantment, nothing should be different for the NPCs. But I have to say I rather have an enchantment that changes the visual appearance of a game only trigger when I want it, even if it would disable an AI change to NPCs that have that enchantment equipped. But this is all just theory crafting since the modpage doesn't mention any AI changes regarding that enchantment.

I hope this helps at least a few people since I just downloaded LE to make this fix for the old Skyrim as well since it got requested on my SE modpage.

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