Imperial Legion Dragonscale Armor

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                       Imperial Legion Dragonscale Armor                           Go's Great with Real Iron Armor

                                                  Adds Imperial Dragonscale Armor to Skyrim!
*Legionnaires ! What is your profession!? AROO! AROO! AROO!*Now FINALLY There is Imperial Dragonscale Armor BUT it aint light armor its HEAVY armor :)
For male and female all races other then helmet which isn't for Lizrards or Kats (shrugs),
Now can shout and have awesome Armor Lore friendly Cause if nords can make dragonbone armor and dragonscale armor why can't the imperial in Skyrim? lol

Craftable same as Dragonscale and temperable same as Dragonscale But is heavy armor (minus boots and guantlets those are vanilla dragonscale in screen shots) Helmet Imperial designed to slash apart ememies with headbutt XD, the leaf pattern on front of helmet is designed from Roman leafs pattern and is awesome too.

Armor Pieces: Curiass, Helmet, Shield. 
Can alternate Dragonscale and dragonbone boots and guantlets in-game but I recommend Dragonscale vs Dragonbone for looking more awesome despite heavy armor perks.

If you like it Endorse helps Morale to keep it up :)
          Note: I took SS in Skyrim lowest settings so it'll look better on your pc then my laptop!
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