Immersive Armors - Realistic Armors replace by Xtudo

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Immersive Armors - Realistic Armors replace
by Xtudo****Description

This mod will replace some of the "outdated" or "too ugly" or "too much The Witcher" armors with some of the impressive Realistic Armors made by NordWarUA.

The mod keeps the leveled lists untouched, so you will see bandits and other NPCs wearing them, including the ones from OBIS for example.

FULL VERSION 10 Armors replaced: Falkreath Armor, Redguard Knight, Hedge Knight, Hunter Armor, Nord Mail, Spellbinder, Shaman, Crimsom Archer, Ringmail and Boiled Chitin (ugh!).

Armor stats updated to the new version.
It requires the two mods previously installed. But the ESP file of the Realistic Armor mod is not needed, only the Meshes and Textures folders.

See the comparison screenshots.
I did it for my game and now I'm sharing it, I hope you like it!

  • Ver 1.0 - Release.

  • Ver 1.1 - Fixed one wrong armor record, and some other tweaks. Thanks to ApoAlaia for the bug report.

  • Ver 1.2 - Added optional standalone Morrowind Glass armor replacer.

  • Ver 1.3 - Added optional standalone WitchPlate armor replacer.

  • Ver 1.4 - Fixed the standalone Morrowind Glass replacer meshes path. (It should be "Armor" not "Armors", you can change it yourself if you don't want to download all the patch again). Thanks to rakigako for the heads up.

  • Ver 1.5 - Added optional standalone Glacial Crystal armor replacer.


  • Extract the downloaded RAR file and copy the DATA folder to your Skyrim installation folder, activate the ESP file.
    Load order:
    hothtrooper44_ArmorPatch.esp (optional)
    Hothtrooper44_ArmorComplation replacer.esp (this mod)

The DIS_RealisticArmor.esp IS NOT required.



  • Many thanks to NordWarUA for his impressive armor mods, and for making them free for the community.

  • Many thanks to Hothtrooper44 for his immersive awesome mod.

  • Many thanks to Bethesda for making such a piece of art! I love you guys/gals! :D

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