Hallowed Sword Moveset

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Hallowed Sword MovesetSE Version


3 normal attacks - 3 power attacks
You can either do a normal attack combo of three attacks, or you can switch/interrupt any of them for a power attack, which will then end the combo.
The normal attacks are a swing to the left, followed by a swing to the right, followed by an overhead downwards swing. The power attacks are a stab, an uppercut(I guess?) and a pommel bash with a fancy spin. All demonstrated in the video above.

Inspired by the Hallowed Sword moveset from Mortal Shell.


**PACE** to set the speed to your liking(the animations are slower than default SkySA, more similar to vanilla)

Requires SkySA 1.8 (not compatible with earlier versions)

In Skyrim.ini under [Controls] setting set fInitialPowerAttackDelay=0.17
(Will make power attacking easier until there is a plugin that enables a separate button for power attacks)

Uses DAR folder number 50 : make sure there's no conflict with your other DAR mods
(If that is the case, rename the folder to another number combination)


TKTK for the Blender rig
Distar66 for all the help and patience
Armour used : Eredrim, the Venerable, by full_inu
Shikyokira for Nemesis (support him on Patreon!)
The crazy good animators who did the hard work for Mortal Shell.

More movesets to come!..