Free Mine 1.4b ( FIXED)

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The original author was last online it seems in 2018.  If this mod is not allowed simply take it down. I take no credit at all for this mod as it is not my work. I simply fixed it so I could use it and saw 80 post about it not working.  Now it does.  I am fairly new to mod work and this in itself is just a fix. All credit goes to TheOldOne822.  I hope I have not broken any rules. I just wanted to contribute back to the community that has been so good at doing the same.  If the Mod author wants this file removed they can just take this one and have a mod put it on their mod page.  This is a cheat Mining Mod that adds a mine outside Riverwood with every ore type in the game. They never deplete.  You must first mine at least one ore in Emberhard or another mine to get this to work. After that it is easy mode.