Deft Movement Perk Bug Fix with Upgrade Option

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**Before you do anything, go to this profile Charliecheestick00 and give them a kudos for me. This user is truly the inspiration for everything I do. On nexus and in life, so please make sure to show them some love.**

**The Mod:**What this mod does, is fixes a small error that I found in the CK, for the perk Deft Movement in the Light Armor skill tree. It was causing the perk to not function correctly in my game. This may not be something that other people have an issue with. But then again it may. I never even noticed that the perk was functioning until I started working on a different version of it for another mod. So if you have a problem with the perk, give this a try. You never know it might help.

**The Upgrade: Why Even?**Funny you should ask, I would be happy to explain in great detail... ; ) The only reason I added the additional 10% onto the ability. Is because once I got the perk working correctly. I immediately noticed that it was all but useless most of the time. To be the last perk in Light Armor at Lvl 100...
At 20% you aren't going to become a God. But you will definitely notice that the perk does in fact, allow you to avoid any damage from contact with a weapon. As long as the weapon isn't enchanted or delivers damage from another source.

Make sure you check out my other mods, such as The Renrij-Do also my Unarmed Leveling System and my new mod Schadenfreude Poison
Well that's all from me, I hope you guys enjoy the mod! Make sure that if you do, you endorse the file. It does help.

**Have fun, stay safe, and most importantly be kind to each other.
