Defense of the Ancients Spellpack

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So.... a few years ago I had a few ideas on how to implement a Restoration Spell that healed over time and raised armor, inspired by the Living Armor spell of a DOTA, as seen here:  Living Armor
Well, I've had a few other ideas since then, but hadn't decided or hadn't really thought how to implement them... until now. So far this is a rather small spellpack, with two Destruction and two Restoration spells: Scream of Pain, Shadow Strike, Living Armor on Self and Living Armor on Other (this one had to be split in two since I couldn't figure out how to cast the spall both on allies and yourself). They are, respectively, an AOE explosion, a low-leve Damage Over Time and Slow projectile, a Healing Over Time buff for the caster, and a Healing Over Time buff for others. They are not integrated into the leveled lists (yet) but they do have the associated spell tomes.
To acquire said spell tomes, you can type "help (any of the name components)" without the quotes in the console, or simply type "player.additem xx005904/xx00590a/xx019d13/xx019d18 1" , where xx are the two digits corresponding to this mod's plugin on your load order, depending on which spell are you interested in acquiring.

I also recommend using Full Magic Scaling so spells level in intensity as you grow more profficient in magic instead of just becoming cheaper.