Emotions 2.0

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Aaaah here we are again, working on the never updated and broken emotion system that was heavily marketed at the launch of this game and was a tremendous flop in the end. Since the overpowered Happy buffs are so many for me to handle, I got an idea and made an overhaul of my previously released Meaningful Moodbuffs module for Buffs Rebalances and it's now it's own separate mod. This mod does a lot of things in the background so let's start listing it's features:


  • It adds a PERMANENT Fine +2 buff that decreases the weights of ALL positive emotions (via mood mappings by 0.8) and halves all Happy buffs so they act more like "bonus buffs" that needs to be added to the other positive emotions if you want them to have the same weight as the other positive emotions, so sims will not be constantly Happy all of the time. This means that, if your sim is just Fine or Happy, each Happy buff will be halved, but if you also get a Flirty buff, the Happy buffs will have their weights on par with the Flirty emotion (0.8 instead of the halved 0.5).🤍 (YA, Adult & Elder only)

This also means Sims will not get in negative emotions if they have a mere +1 negative buff (if few or no buffs are present of course), but will if there's at least +2.

 Vampires will have this buff too, but right after you purchase the "Emotional Dampening" perk my buff will be removed. That buff will basically halve ALL the emotions (except Scared because EA didn't bother updating it) while mine halves Happy buffs only, so it's useless to still have it for them.🧛‍♂️

  • It increases the intensity thresholds of the Angry and Sad emotions which means that those emotions will "level up" when you have an overall of +4 (for sad), and +4&+8 (for angry) buffs (like all other negative emotions already have).🆙 (All ages)

🚧TEENAGERS HAVE THEIR OWN MOOD MAPPINGS WHICH INCREASES THE WEIGHTS OF ALL BUFFS OF ALL NEGATIVE EMOTIONS (so a total of sad +3 will make them very sad, tense +3 very tense etc..).🚧

  • Gets rid of the emotional walkstyles in lower emotion intensities which means no more angry/panic/sad/confident/energized walkstyles when sims are just angry/scared/sad/confident/energized. I left those for higher intensities only.🚶‍♂️ (All ages)
  • The "Moodlet Solver" potion (the potion that removes all negative buffs) will now remove Scared buffs too.🥤 (All ages)
  • Scared and Terrified sims will now have a harder time learning skills. EA probably forgot to add those tunings in there (like they forgot to add scared buffs removal to the moodlet solver) because ALL other positive and negative emotions have skill multipliers.🙀 (All ages)
  • Adds decay modifiers to high intensity positive and all negative mood buffs. This means that, for example, if a sim is in the very confident emotional state, all negative emotions will decrease faster. I also made sure to create some sort of "gameplay loop" where not all the negative emotions are bad for some of the positive ones. In fact, if your sim is currently Sad, all positive buffs will decay faster EXCEPT for the Inspired ones, they will actually last a bit longer! So, if you have a Sad sim, be sure to Inspire them, if you have a Furious sim be sure to make them Playful (or Energized if it's Hot-Headed). (All ages)

The higher the emotion intensity is, the faster those buffs will decay.⏫⏬

  • Depending on the current emotion intensity, the duration of buffs (positive and negative) will be increased. EX: The "Unchallenged" +1 Tense buff lasts for 2 hours but my sim is not currently Tense. Shortly after, my sim becomes Tense and now this buff will last for 3 hours. If more tense buffs gets added making him "Very Tense", (those will have the increased duration too) depending how much time is left, that remaining time will be doubled (4 hours), making a little bit harder to get rid of the emotion. This makes buffs durations a little bit unpredictable and makes sims emotions not last for the same fixed amount of time. (All ages)

Emotional potions from the rewards store and Happy buffs will not have their durations increased!😉

  • Adds a "Transition" buff when sims go from a polarity to the other, meaning that if your sim is currently Angry and in 4 sim minutes he becomes Happy, he will have a huge +50 Fine buff before becoming Happy, making the switch to the next polarity more realistic. This buff will also make buffs decay quicker and freezes them depending on the polarity your sim is currently going to. EX: My sim is Sad but I made him have a lot of Inspired buffs, enough to switch his emotion to a positive one. He gets the Transition buff, and all his negative buffs will decay a bit faster while all his positive buffs have their durations frozen until the Transition buff disappears (this is to prevent short lasting buffs of 1-2 hours to disappear before the transition happens).🔄 (YA, Adult & Elder only)

This will not work from Happy, Confident, Energized, Focused etc... to Angry, Sad, Tense etc... because if something huge happens in your sims lives (cheating, left at altar, death, demotion, getting fired, bad conversations, fighting etc..) the change in emotion should be instant! (unless they are in the higher intensity positive emotions). This always works the opposite way though (all intensities negative to positive).

  • Adds Satisfaction Point Gain/Loss on higher intensity emotion levels. Sims will now gain 1 satisfaction point per second when very happy, very confident, very playful, very focused, very inspired, very energized, very flirty, gain 2 satisfaction points per second when Hysterical and lose 1 satisfaction point per second when Enraged or Mortified. (All ages)
  • Satisfaction points you get from wants will be halved if your sim is Enraged or Mortified but will be doubled if you are in the Hysterical mood. (Pay attention to not die!) (All ages)

As you can see I made some features of this mod only available to Youg Adults, Adults, and Elders because Teens are very well known to have frequent mood swings and the vanilla Sims 4 broken emotion experience is perfect for them, and kids are generally happier anyway.


To Recap:

  • Toddlers&Children have the normal mood mappings for ALL emotions (+1 is +1, +2 is +2).
  • Teenagers have the normal mood mappings for positive emotions only, but the negative emotions are enhanced (negative +1 is +1.5).
  • Young Adults, Adults and Elders have the normal mood mappings for negative emotions only, but the positive emotions weights have been decreased to 0.8 meaning they require a total of +10/+11 to level up in the higher intensity positive emotions (+16 Happy buffs only).