Djinnify Me! | Chinese Translation

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Embark on a mystical journey through the realms of magic and beyond! Discover forgotten ancient knowledge, gain mystical powers and become an immortal supernatural being: A Djinn. "Djinnify Me!" is a text-heavy story adventure mod where your Sim can set out on a challenging journey to become a Djinn.

What this mod does:

Pretty much exactly what it says above: With this mod your Sim can go on an epic adventure that takes you to many different places all over the world. You have to complete tasks on every step of the way, some of them more difficult than others, or requiring specific skills. Each task is rewarded with another part of the story and in the end - if you successfully completed your journey - your Sim will turn into a Djinn and gain immortality and some powerful, magical abilities.

How does this work?

To start your journey, your Sim needs to buy the "Dusty Old Tome" from the rewards store and read it. This will unlock the "Djinnify Me!" aspiration questline. All you have to do is follow the steps of the aspiration and enjoy the story. Every step is explained in-game, so I will not spoiler too much here.

What powers does a Djinn have?

Djinns are immortal. Their powers are based partly on what TS3 Genies were able to do, plus a few other powers I personally think a Djinn should have.

When clicking on another Sim or Object: "Induce a Deep Sleep": make a Sim sleep "Induce Hallucination": cause a Sim to have hallucinations "Use Telepathy": learn a trait of another Sim, their romantic or woohoo preferences, or (if you have For Rent installed) discover a secret about them "Possess Mind": mind-control a Sim "Ignite Passion": makes a Sim fall in love with your Djinn "Cleanse": cleanses your Djinn or the target Sim, cleans the floor, or an object "Conjure Food" or "Make Fresh": conjures food or refreshes spoiled food "Repair": repairs a broken object "Djinn Teleportation": teleports your Djinn to the specified location

Self-Powers: "Djinn Meditation": meditate to replenish energy "Disguise Yourself" / "Remove Disguise": toggles the blue skin color on or off "Always Teleport" / "Disable Always Teleport": toggles the Djinn teleporting everywhere, always, because walking is for mortals (More powers and other fun things are planned for future updates!)

Pack Requirements:

This mod's story takes you to different worlds and uses many different pack specific game mechanics, so you have to have the following packs: Island Living Snowy Escape Spa Day Vampires Jungle Adventure Realm of Magic









点击其他模拟市民或对象时: “诱导深度睡眠”:让模拟市民入睡 “诱发幻觉”:使模拟市民产生幻觉 “使用心灵感应”:了解另一个模拟市民的特征,他们的浪漫或嘿咻偏好,或者(如果有乐租生活)发现关于他们的秘密 “附身心灵”:精神控制模拟市民 “点燃激情”:让模拟市民爱上你 “净化”:清洁自己或目标模拟市民,清洁地板或物体 “变出食物”或“使新鲜”:召唤食物或刷新变质的食物 “修理”:修理损坏的物体 “灯神瞬移”:将模拟市民传送到指定位置

自我能力: “灯神冥想”:冥想补充精力 “伪装自己”/“去除伪装”:打开或关闭蓝色肤色 “始终瞬移”/“禁用始终瞬移”:随时切换灯神的传送,因为走路是为凡人准备的

所需DLC 这个模组的故事将你带到不同的世界,并使用许多不同DLC的特定游戏机制,所以你必须拥有以下所有: EP07岛屿生活 EP10雪境仙踪 GP02水疗日 GP04吸血鬼 GP06丛林探险 GP08魔法世界

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