Botanical Postage Stamp #1 Samtuse963
Botanical postage stamp in frame, that keeps sims happy and increases environmental score.
- For base game
- 4 Switch
- Happy +2
- Imaginative +2
- Environment Score +2
- Starting size 1x2
If you looking for painting, here are my related design:
[My Garden Theme Painting]( date&class=build-buy&search=Garden Painting Samtuse963)
[My Fashion Paintings]( Samtuse963)
[My Landscape Painting]( Samtuse963)
[My Triptych]( Samtuse963)
[My Arch Frame Paintings]( Painting Samtuse963)
[My Abstract Paintings]( Painting Samtuse963)
[My Minimalist Paintings]( Painting Samtuse963)
[My Cute Pets Paintings]( Painting Samtuse963)
[My Watercolor Paintings]( Painting Samtuse963)
[My All Paintings]( Samtuse963)
How to place objects more freely
If you want to place objects more freely, you can press Shift + Ctrl + C,
then type bb.moveobjects on into the input box that appears in the top left corner of the screen.
How to make objects bigger or smaller in The Sims 4 On PC and Mac :
# Items in inventory or already on site
- Open Build Modeand select the object.
- To make the object bigger, hold Shiftand then press ].
- Each time you press ] the object will get larger.
- To make the object smaller, hold Shiftand then press [.
- Each time you press [ the object will get smaller.
# In Build mod, if your are holding Item
- To make the object bigger, hold Ctrland then press ].
- Each time you press ] the object will get larger.
- To make the object smaller, hold Ctrland then press [.
- Each time you press [ the object will get smaller.
I love the intricacy and nostalgia of stamps, so I designed this wall hanging to add a touch of nostalgia to your decor.
And I've noticed an increase in followers recently. Rest assured, I'm working on creating new items for you all. Stay tuned! ❤️❤️❤️
by Samtuse963