Doom Club (and Earrape Version)
The Song is a Cover Version that I made myself
Are you annoyed by the default Techno Music in the Nightclub Mission?
Would you like the Terrorists to ask themselves: "Why do I hear Boss Music?"
Now you can save the evening the way you should! Just like the Terrorist Slayer that you are!
If you hate the Terrorists as much as I do you can now officially RIP and TEAR until it is done!
Little Update:
I have made a second Version which will now even Rip and Tear your ears apart! (It really will do, don´t even think about turning your master volume above 25%)
Earrape Version is closer to the Vanilla Music Volume and turns the Mission into Terrorist Hunt because you won´t hear them.
Actually you won´t hear almost anything except gunfire and explosions.
Good thing is you won´t even hear your inner Demons that you are fighting against!
The sound is slightly distorted because of the volume it has, but I think it fits the club atmosphere quite good.
If you tested this mod please tell me how you like or tell me if you don´t like it
Simple Q and A:
**Q: Do i need this?**A: Yes you do
**Q: How do I install it?**A: The folder contains the .bank-File and an installation instruction about where to put the File (DONT FORGET TO BACKUP THE ORIGINAL FILE)
**Q: How can I RIP and TEAR?**A: Just unload your Shotgun into the Terrorists Face
**Q: Why is this Song so trash?**A: It isn´t. If you dont like my work do better yourself
**Q: Why is Earrape Version so loud?**A: It is not that loud. If you listen closely you´ll notice how it cleans you of your inner demons