Aim Down Sights FPS
I prior made a First Person Mod but while playing with that I concluded that the majority of times that i wished to use the mode was for short photography sessions and for aiming down sights. This mod solves that issue, making it so that only while the aiming key is being pressed will the game be in first person.
It is not enabled by default, so to enable it press down on the center mouse button while not aiming (try a couple of times, this key is very fickle), then aim and you should get first person. To disable follow the same steps,do not disable the mod while aiming down sights this makes for a odd little bug where you leave behind the camera.
Set Up Requires the Installation of UE4SSas well as having the BPLoader through UE4SSbeing enabled and loaded. Set up of UE4SSdepends on platform
- Download the New Version of UE4SS
- Extract to Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64
- In the UE4SS-settings.ini file, set bUseUObjectArrayCache to false.
- Disable consoleenablermod in mods.txt as it conflicts with this mod and will prevent it from starting.
Download The New Version of UE4SS
Extract to C:\XboxGames\Palworld\Content\Pal\Binaries\WinGDK
Rename xinput1_3 to xinput1_4
In the UE4SS-settings.ini file, set bUseUObjectArrayCache to false.
Disable consoleenablermod in mods.txt as it conflicts with this mod and will prevent it from starting.
Then Proceed to drag the file into ""Palworld\Content\Pal\Content\Paks\LogicMods" from there UE4SS will load the mod, boot into the game to use it. If you experience issues please join My Discord and I will do my best to help. There is also the Palworld Modding Discord which can help.
If all is set up correctly, hitting the Alt+ C keys should enable you to first person and Alt + V will disable the mod. When first toggling it, be sure to jump this will reset the camera to the proper height instead of making you short!
Hopefully you enjoy this Mod!