Vampire Aesthetic Tweaks

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Personal Vampire Tweaks

What it does:

  1. Sets the vampire aging value to -20. Most other mods I have seen set this negative value between -100 and -200. While this DOES make them look better it turns every vampire in the game into a teenager. I found a value of -20 was just perfect for stopping the extreme aging, while adding a tiny, tiny bit of a hint of "undeath" by taking off about 5 years visually in age. I think it looks just right. Also, a lot of other mods that change vampire face textures just looked "too pretty", so I didn't mess with any of that. If you want angelic-looking teenage vampires then this ain't a mod for you.

  2. Fixes Vicente Valtieri. As far as I know, he is the ONLY vampire in the game that is set to have 100% vampirism. This makes no damn sense. Even the starving vampires locked in a cave for hundreds of years you encounter during a certain quest only have 50% vampirism, so why would a sophisticated assassin like Vicente be starving? Especially since he has 4 bottles of human blood in his personal chest...So I set his vampirism values to 50 like every other vampire in the game, then tweaked his facial settings and age until he looked appropriately undead without the hideous face.*

This mod does not:

  1. Change anything else. Any vampire mods that don't touch the vampire aging value or change Vicente's age or vampirism level should work fine with it. Be aware that other mods that modify his scripts may cause problems, depending on the individual mods in question, or possibly load order conflicts. I simply cannot make it work with every other possible mod or create patches for every eventuality, though it should work fine except for a few very specific cases. 

  2. Stop 100% vampirism player characters from looking like arse. Although this mod does prevent you from aging like crazy, you will still have that sunken face. I would imagine this is appropriate, as everyone hates you at 100% vampirism, and being a malnourished undead horror with a sunken face and the skin stretched over your bones would explain that reaction quite well. Drink some blood, you bum! (As a side note, this mod works very well with one that reverses the effects of the vampirism stages, as in you are strongest after you just fed and are at 25% vampirism while weakest and ugliest at 100% vampirism. I recommend it, and I think it makes much more sense that way, but I purposely didn't change any gameplay elements for people who don't want that. You can just install a second mod alongside this one that does that if you do want the change.)
    *You now have options!*

I have uploaded an optional version that adds the disease porphyric hemophilia to Vicenti (for some reason this got left out by the devs) and puts the key to his chest in his inventory (probably left out accidentally as well). He will also now drop vampire dust on death. Guy had a LOT of issues, haha. Janus Hassildor, the vampire count of Skingrad, has also been set to drop vampire dust on death.

Recommended companion mods:

A face texture replacer/enhancer such as Natural Faces or Improved Facial Textures will only make this mod look better. Adding one is simple and I can't see how there would be any compatibility issues. 

Future plans:

If there is any real interest in me tweaking facial changes per vampirism stage, I might get around to doing it. I would personally make 100% vampirism look somewhere around 75%, and 75% look closer to 50%, etc...But not only am I unsure how to do that at the moment, I don't see much reason to, so who knows. 


If you are unfamiliar with mods, download the file and use the included "Readme". For all you old hands, just drop the .bsa in your Data folder.

*Many vampires were harmed during the creation of this mod.