The Hoser Hut
The Hoser Hut
By Carah
A busy tavern, outside of Bruma's north gate. Where the cold, tired traveler can enjoy a warm cozy bed,
food and drink with the locals, and buy and sell their bounty with the proprietors.
You have two choices of esp files to play with, but only activate one.
The Hoser Hut Bar Fights esp will include bar fights at anytime for one hour game time.
The Hoser Hut No Bar Fights esp will have none.
Optional files:
"Hoser Hut NO bar fights BRIGHTER INTERIOR"
"Hoser Hut Brighter Interior Bar Fights "
are just esps that make the interior better lit.
You will still need the main files.
Overwrite other esp if you want a brighter interior.
Download , then extract files to the Bethesda Softworks/Oblivion/Data.
Activate only one of the esp files, and play.
De-activate ESP.
For complete removal delete the following files:
The Hoser Hut esp.
The Hoser Hut folder located in Textures.
The Hoser Hut folder located in Meshes.
Textures/Menus/Icons/TheHoserHut folder
Meshes/creature/rat/WAC_beaver_body.nif, WAC_beaver_eyes.nif, WAC_beaver_head.nif
Sound/Voice/The Hoser Hut folder
Thank-you Malachi Delacot for beta testing, and the idea.