Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE xOBSE)
The Oblivion Script Extender, or OBSE for short, is a modder's resource that expands the scripting capabilities of Oblivion. It does so without modifying the executable files on disk, so there are no permanent side effects.
Once installed, no additional steps are needed to launch Oblivion with OBSE's added functionality. You can start the game using OBSE from obse_loader.exe
The instructions for installing and running OBSE differ based on whether you are using a retail or Steam version of the game.
Install with Vortex
Click the "Vortex" button in the top-right of this page.
Once installed and enabled, ensure you have deployed it by clicking "Deploy Mods" on the Mods toolbar.
Use the shortcut on the dashboard to start the game with OBSE.
Manual Installation for the Retail (Non-Steam) version of Oblivion
- Copy obse_1_2_416.dll, obse_editor_1_2.dll, obse_loader.exe and the Data folder to your Oblivion directory. This is usually in your Program Files folder, and should contain files called "Oblivion.exe" and "OblivionLauncher.exe".
- Run oblivion by running obse_loader.exe from the Oblivion directory.
If you use a desktop shortcut to launch Oblivion normally, just update the shortcut to point to obse_loader.exe instead of oblivion.exe.
Manual Installation for the Steam version of Oblivion
Copy obse_1_2_416.dll, obse_editor_1_2.dll, obse_steam_loader.dll and the Data folder to your Oblivion directory. This is usually "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\common\oblivion".
Launch Oblivion via Steam or by running Oblivion.exe. OBSE will automatically be run along with Oblivion when launched. To disable this, rename or move obse_steam_loader.dll. You do not need to use obse_loader.exe unless you are running the editor.
Manual Installation for the Steam Proton on Linux
(replace Point 2. from the previous paragraph):
Backup OblivionLauncher.exe and rename obse_loader.exe to OblivionLauncher.exe
Start the game from inside Steam Note this is needed only when using a Linux Steam and Proton. Using Windows Steam inside Wine should work out of the box,
Installation for Mod Organizer 2
Mod organizer users need to use special instructions to allow OBSE to function properly. Follow the instruction on this page: https://github.com/ModOrganizer2/modorganizer/wiki/Running-Oblivion-OBSE-with-MO2
Running TES: Construction Set with OBSE
Scripts written with these new commands must be written via the TESConstructionSet launched with obse_loader. Open a command prompt window, navigate to your oblivion install folder, and type "obse_loader -editor". The normal editor can open plugins with these extended scripts fine, it just can't recompile them and will give errors if you try.
WARNING: It's unadvised to install Oblivion to Program Files
Having problems? Check the Frequently Asked Questions.
The source code is available here (GitHub)!
Releases are also available on GitHub; they're the same files as what's available here.