Dremora Companion - Themed Loading Screens
Another day, another set of loading screens. The ones provided with the mod are well made, but clash heavily with the loading screen text when using Themed Loading Screens of either type. I tried to recreate some of the screens as best I could, otherwise I used the accompanying text as a guide.
Dremora Companion, make sure to endorse the mod too!
2. Loading Screens Themed Replacer OR Themed Loading Screens for Dark UI(not a hard requirement but it wouldn't make much sense to have these loading screens without the original mod)
Use Wrye Bash, MO2, or Vortex
Install like any other mod
Ensure that the loading screens are loaded after Dremora companion, or they won't be replaced properly
Mods that may have affected the visuals, in no particular order:
Dremora Companion (assets included in the mod)Oblivion Upscaled TexturesQarls Texture Pack III RedimizedInsanity's Improved Armoury Compilation
Trollf - Themed Loading Screens mod, and template I used to create the 'standard' versions
khalim19 - Themed Loading Screens for Dark UI, and the template I used to create the DarkUI versions
b3w4r3 - Dremora Companion
GIMP Development Team - GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)