DBs Willpower-Based Magic Resistance

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DB's Willpower-Based Magic Resistance (DBWBMR) v1.22 by DerekBaker

Adds ResistMagic/Weakness to Magic to player and NPC's based upon their Willpower.


Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) v0018 Beta 2 or later

OPTIONAL (required for customization)

Pluggy v125 or later



Used Willful Resistance for a time and liked it. However during an attempt to solve performance problems I found that having it installed severely reduced my frame rate (don't know what the problem was or if WR was the actual cause) so I removed it. When I started making my own mods (this is the first to be released) I decided to see if one of my own have the same issue. In my testing, it has had no appreciable effect on performance on default settings.

CHANGES from v1.21

Fixed thirteen weakness to magic spells were weakness to normal weapons.
Made Pluggy optional.


The magnitude of the added effect is given by the formula "(Willpower - Baseline) * PointsOfEffectPerPointOfWillpower" (PtsPer). The range is limited to -50 to +100. Values less than zero are Weakness to Magic, those above Resist Magic. Values that are not integers are rounded. For the default settings - Baseline= 50 and PtsPer= 1 - a Willpower of 25 gives Weakness To Magic of 25. Willpower of 50 gives no effect, and 100 gives 50 Resist Magic.


Put DBWBMR.esp in your Oblivion\Data folder.
Default Path -XP:C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data
Vista:C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data

Put DBWBMR.ini in Pluggy\User Files. If you use OBMM or WryeBash, they will not place the ini in the correct place - you must do so manually.
Default Path -XP:C:\Documents and Settings[yourname]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Pluggy\User Files
VistaC:\Users[yourname]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Pluggy\User Files

Activate DBWBMR.esp in your chosen app.

On current knowledge, load order is not important. I recommend BOSS: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20516

If you are upgrading from a previous version, overwrite the existing esp with the new one. The ini is the same, so no need to overwrite it.

If you used v1.00 and notice that you have two effects called "Willpower-based Magic Resistance" or one when you should have none, after upgrading, enter "startquest aaaDBWBMRRemoveEffect" at the console.


WARNING: It is not safe to simply deactivate or uninstall the mod. Doing this will leave the effects on the player and NPCs. You must use the Clean Removal option.

To run Clean Removal, open the console and type "startquest aaaDBWBMRCleanRemoval" without the quotes. Press Enter and close the console. When the message box appears, you can deactivate/uninstall the mod.

If you have deactivated it without running Clean Removal, reactivate the mod and run Clean Removal.

If you have uninstalled it - that is removed the esp from the Data folder - the information necessary to remove the added effects will be destroyed and Clean Removal will not work.

CUSTOMIZATION - Only available if Pluggy is used.

There are four settings in DBWBMR.ini. Baseline is an integer (default 50), PointsOfEffectPerPointOfWillpower a floating point value (default 1). A Baseline of 0 and PtsPer of .5 would provide no weakness, with RM of 18 at WP = 25, RM of 25 at WP = 50 and RM of 50 at WP = 100. LevelOfCellsToHandle controls how far away NPC are who will have the effect added to them (Default 2). 0 is only the cell the player is in; 1 that cell plus the 8 surrounding; 2 that cell plus 25 surrounding. In a test I found that values up to 7 increased the number of NPCs given the effect. However at that setting performance was badly hampered. If the ini is not found, the mod will create a new one with default settings. Setting "SpamConsole=1" (Default 0) in the ini will print additional information to the console; setting it to 2 will create a lot of it. All console messages are prefaced with "DBWBMR:". "started" is printed to the console when the mod initializes regardless of the SpamConsole setting.


None at this time. If you know better, let me know.

Mod was cleaned with Tes4Edit so no need to do so again.


All I can say at this time is that it's fine with the 100+ mods I have installed (including OOO).

Does the same thing as Willful Resistance, so use one or the other.


v1.21Fixed an issue where mod would not reinitialize if a new game started if gamemode have previously been entered that session.

v1.20 No longer requires RefStuff.
If a game is loaded that has had Clean Removal run, while DBWBMR.esp is still active, it will no longer silently restart. A message box will appear confirming the restart.

v1.13 Fixed another problem with requirements checking.

v1.12 Minor bug fix.

v1.11 Fixed issues with requirements checking.

v1.10 Extended range of Resist Magic from 50 to 100. Fixed a couple of issues.

v1.00 Initial Release.


All those on the official forums who helped with issues I had during development. The creators of OBSE, Pluggy
RefStuff and Tes4Edit. The creator of Willful Resistance for the inspiration.


No warranty. Do what you like with it, but make sure you credit me.