Call Horse

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[size="5"]Call Horse[/size]
[size="4"]Simple tutorial movie (version 0.3)[/size]


Q: This mod creates companion's horses? Or player has to buy them?
A: This mod include original horses for companions. So it's free.

Q: Companion won't mounting. Or CTD occurs.
A: Please test option setting. And remember, companion will ride a horse when player is far. Unless player is far from the companion, mounting doesn't occur forever because then the companion doesn't follow player because player is near the companion, so the companion doesn't start action.
When player is far from the companion, the companion starts following and then thinks "I want to use my horse".

[size="4"]Version History[/size]

Fixed: Companion Ghost, Bug of UnSummon, CTD of Force Mounting

Added: Automatic Call NPC Back Function
Fixed: Crime Judgment when Summoning

Added: Force Mounting, Summon Player's Horse, Horse's Escaping, Companion Ghost

First Release


[size="4"]Would your companion use a horse? Or run in Tamriel?[/size]
This mod [size="4"]summons horses for NPC[/size] at the same time a player rides on a horse.

NPC who was registered beforehand synchronize with player's horse riding
(mounting/dismounting), and NPC follows with its own horse to player.
I assume combined use with companion mod.

I checked this mod works with Companion Share and Recruit 3.27

This MOD requires OBSE v0015 or higher.

[size="4"]How to use[/size]

Register NPC beforehand as an owner of the horse(maximum number is 12) with
the spell named "Call Horse OwnerItem Touch", the NPC synchronizes with
player's horse riding (mounting/dismounting), and follows with its own
horse to player.

[size="4"]About other option functions[/size]

[size="3"]Horse Type[/size] (Black Horse/White Horse)
Although its status is the same as vanilla, only Health is high to prevent
killing. You may choose it by color and speed.

Because the horse type is determined when registering owner of horse, so
it is possible to register both a black horse and white horse if setting is
changed before registration of owner. And if horse is dead, it is resurrected
with summons. So please feel easy

[size="3"]Link Dismount with Player[/size] (Enable/Disable)
Usually, player and NPC should dismount from a horse at the same time, so
set it as Enable. If AI competes with companion MOD's etc, set it as Disable.

[size="3"]Follow Player[/size] (Enable/Disable)
After summoned NPC's horse, add AI Package that follows player. This AI
Package is removed when player and the NPC dismount from a horse.

Depending on the case, NPC may ride a horse and follow player by the companion
MOD. If AI competes with companion MOD's etc, set it as Disable. Since this
function is experimental, and AI Package is fastidious, please allow failure.

[size="3"]Force Mounting[/size] (Enable/Disable)
Execute NPC's mounting a horse, with not AI Package but script.

Although it is advisable method that uses AI Package to mount a horse, NPC
often does not mount a horse by AI Package competition. Incidentally, this
function affects only NPC's mounting, but does not affect the following AI.

If NPC rides a horse without this function, I recommend you set it as Disable
. Since CTD occurs in a specific situation, in that case, please set it as
Disable, and only use "Follow Player", or give up the NPC.

[size="3"]Companion Ghost[/size] (Enable/Disable)
Apply "SetGhost 1" to NPC in horse riding, and prevent combat. It is useful
for giving priority to movement.