Ariana Fletcher aka the Bride

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Ariana Fletcher,  whas just about to get married when the wedding cermony whas interrupted by a band of Dremoras. The evil creatures killed all the guests, Arians husband to be and belived they also had killed her. But she whas only wounded and knocked unconsious for a while. After waking up an hour later, and discovering the horrible disaster, she got into a deep chock. She dragged herself out of the little temple and then just wandered aimlessly around in her torn wedding dress, until a small party of Kajiits found her and took care of her. When she after a year and a half got back her vits, she decided to seek revenche of every Dremora she could find. She seeked out people that whas able to train her in weaponry and other skills. She became as the time passed a very skilled warrior. And finally her reputation reached the count of Skingrad Janus Hassildor, who hired her as a bodyguard. She did'nt stay very long in his service though. Her urge for revenge whas too strong. Soon, she became a true horror for any monster that she did find. And she also got known under the nickname "The Bride".

Yeah, I confess that I have made an Oblivion adaption of the Kill Bill movies. :- D

You will need the following mods:

  1. DK High Imperials by deathknowz
    2.Apachii Wigs for Males and Females by Apachii:                     

And if you want the Brides katana?

A good sum of money, weapons and other stuff are included.

She is waiting at the Weynon Priority.

Thanks to the modders abouve for the great mods.