Tjibbe1 Tech Structures
this mod aims to add a lot of diffrent structures that are tech themed so that you are more motivated to start diving in those mods.
Currently in total there are 56 structures!!! big and small ones.
there are many diffrent layers of looting and secrets.
This mod is made with the new and inproved structure generation from mcreator.
required depencies:
PneumaticCraft Repressurized
Ad Astra
Loot Bags And Crates
not that many right?
for additional loot and items you can also add these mods:
rf tool,base etc
applied energistics
ender io
flux networks
GregTechCEu modern
industrial foregoing
mob grinding utils
refined storage
-thermal dynamics,expansion etc
are those enough?
if you have an idea for a new structure that you want me to put in this mod then be sure to let me know in the coments.
And if you are wondering what all those diffrent loot blocks are they are from the mod: Loot Bags And Crates.
I have a few flying and underground structures build but its not so easy to let them generate properly with mcreator.So if you have any ideas on how to do that please let me know.