Demicraft (Percy Jackson Mod)

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I'm a huge Percy Jackson fan and have been wanting a mod for it for awhile and finally decided to just make my own. This is my first mod so it is very simple and just adds a few items. I plan on adding more and updating regularly but cant promise anything too complex. If you have any ideas just comment them and I'll do my best to add it if it's possible.

Check out the youtube link below for video on all starting items and what they do.

I definitely recommend the JEI mod so you can get all the recipes easier as i don't have a guide book yet, however if for some reason you don't have it, most the recipes are listed below, and if you're confused on how to get something just ask. (or again just get JEI)

Key binds(can be changed):

R: Use Godly Ability

Item Recipes:

Celestial Bronze Sword:

celestial Bronze Sword Recipe

Takes 2 celestial Bronze ingots(obtained from mining) and 1 stick


Stygian Iron Sword

Stygian Iron Sword Recipe

Takes 2 Stygian Iron ingots(obtained from mining) and 1 stick



Celestial Bronze Stick

Celestial Bronze Stick recipe

Takes 3 Celestial Bronze ingot(obtained from mining)

Crafting ingredient


Imperial Gold (shapeless recipe)

Imperial Gold Recipe

Takes 1 stygian iron ingot, 1 celestial bronze ingot, and 1 gold ingot 

Crafting ingredient 


Hermes Sandals

Hermes Sandals Recipe

Takes 4 celestial bronze ingots and 2 feathers

When equipped The user has increased speed and jump height, and no longer has to eat. They can also fly by double tapping jump in the air


Helm of Darkness

Helm of Darkness Recipe

Takes 4 stygian iron ingots and 1 imperial gold ingot

When worn the user gains multiple effects and is able to walk across lava

When the player presses R while wearing the Helm they can summon the power of hades and cause an explosion where they are looking and raise undead servants to fight for them


Poseidon's Trident

Poseidon's Trident Recipe

Takes 3 celestial bronze ingots, 1 nautilus shell, and 1 celestial bronze stick

Has 2 attack speed and 12 damage

Right click to summon water, press "R" to remove water source blocks around you


Zeus's Master Bolt


Takes 1 celestial Bronze stick and 2 pieces of TnT

When right clicked the user causes an explosion and summons multiple lightning bolts where they are looking and makes it rain


Jason's Coin

Jason's Coin Recipe

Takes 1 imperial gold ingot and Zeus's Master Bolt(doesn't destroy master bolt)

When right clicked has 50% chance of giving you either Jason's Gladius or lance. Then simply right click on the gladius or lance to get the coin back, or press "R" to cause massive explosion destroying the coin


Poseidon's Pearls

Pearls Recipe

Takes 1 Nautilus Shell, and Poseidon's Trident(Doesn't destroy Trident)

When right clicked will take you to your spawnpoint


Letter Form Camp

letter from Camp Recipe

Takes 2 symbols of power ( helm of darkness, Master Bolt, Poseidon's Trident, Hermes Sandals )

Will destroy the items used

Letter from camp allows the player to choose any of the staring items to be given


Added Hades Dimension, its still a work in progress but you can go there if you want. To make the portal simply make a nether portal but using bone blocks instead, then right click inside the frame with a gold drachma.


Gold Drachma Recipe

Gold Drachma Recipe

Takes 4 pieces of imperial gold ingot


Nectar & Ambrosia

Ambrosia Recipe

Ambrosia: Takes 1 golden apple and 1 imperial gold ingot

Nectar: Takes 1 Honey Bottle (place where golden apple is) and 1 imperial gold ingot

There are a few other items in the game that cant be crafted and can only be gotten from the letter from camp or using commands.

Not much to the mod yet and its very unbalanced but if you have any suggestions for future updates just comment

Youtube Link( no videos on the mod yet, maybe soon though if people are confused on how stuff works):

Tiktok Link(Same as youtube, might have some PJO videos soon idk though):