Interworlds Splashscreens
Client-side mod that allows you to add custom loading screens while you are transferred into another dimension
You can also add some text on the screen to display it to players
You might not notice them too much in a single player, but it will give you immersive sencses while playing on a modded remote server or modpack with a lot of mods
Note: new splashes are have to be placed into
Some examples:
The End:
For images above I've used the following image for Overworld and config:
"splashes files" {
# Default splash to be used if not set for world [default: Overworld]
# Splashes images to be used in loading screen. Use just filename without extension. Files must be stored in folder splashes in mod's config directory [default: [Nether:Nether], [The End:The End], [Overworld:Overworld], [splashConnecting:Overworld], [splashDisconnecting:Overworld]]
S:splashesPaths <
The End:The End
"splashes texts" {
# Splashes texts to be displayed on splash [default: [Nether:Nether], [The End:The End], [Overworld:Overworld], [splashConnecting:Overworld], [splashDisconnecting:Overworld]]
S:splashesTexts <
Nether:A hot Hell filled with dangerous creatures
The End:Far, far strange world filled with Endermans and the Dragon
Overworld:Homeland of Lancelot
Wanna use it it your modpack / on your server? You are free to use it, it's highly recommended for better world investigation experience!