La Puerta Freeway Improved 1.2(Final)

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William Halverd

It's been 10 years, and the Santrans workers haven't finish half of the La Puerta freeway, that is still occupied by roadwork cones and ramps, and non safe concrete walls that killed more than dozen innocent LS citizens since 2013!, La Puerta now its free of this, for now..

Removed in this edit a stunt jump ramp and roadwork stuff that is front of the Fame or Shame Fire tower, with the help of Arrta Myrdhyn, he managed to removed a LOD's lights that were left there by mistake, and collisions!.

Bugs: None

New version 1.3 : I edited the nodes431 before as requested by Van Zandt, now the traffic will use the full lane of the highway ramp, with Arrta Myrdhyn edits, you will not crash on a invisible wall there as the collsions were removed to avoid any confusion, along with LOD lights removal!

Installation: The download file it's a dlcpack(no replaces! Just add-on) and has the instructions, next uploads will include the step/by step on the main page

Credits: Arrta Myrdhyn, and Rockstar Games folks responsible for La Puerta Area