Balla Dog Fighting
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Got inspired by all the maps on here so decided to give it a try! First map ever, hope you all like it.
The Ballas are now Vickin' it by having a dog fighting pit in the back of one of the houses on Grove Street. Come by with chop and win some money! (if you don't get shot) You can find where the dog fights are by searching the area circled on the map in the screenshot.
Have fun!
- Put the XML file in your main GTAV Directory, load it up with Map Editor
or - Put it in your "AutoLoadMaps" folder inside the Scripts folder, Map Editor will automatically load it..
Someday i wish i could make a mod where you can actually bring chop and bet money to have him really fight.
SIDENOTE - Does anyone know how to actually make 2 dogs fight each other without altering the "relationships.dat"?