2015 HONDA - CB1000R Walkaround [Add-on | Tuning | Digital Dials]
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🇺🇸------------------- Info EN -------------- 🇺🇸
- Credits: Renan Silva, Emanuel Souza, Goomes3D BD GTA MODS, Motors Garage, Zetto, Gabriel Garnier & Dboy3D
- Converted to GTA V by: Carlos Danrlley (Bigorna)
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*Complete the bike at Los Santos Customs* - Features:
- 4 Parts in los santos customs
You want me to say something? Send Mail on the page, when possible answer: https://www.facebook.com/CarlosDaanrlley
if you want more mods like this, keep the credits, and the original download link!
I ask very politely to respect the work of others.
Sorry for my English.
-------------------- Info PT-BR --------------
- Créditos:Renan Silva, Emanuel Souza, Goomes3D BD GTA MODS, Motors Garage, Zetto, Gabriel Garnier & Dboy3D
- Convertida por: Carlos Danrlley (Bigorna)
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*Complete a moto na Los Santos Customs!!* - O mod possui:
- 4 itens de tunagem
Quer me falar alguma coisa? Mande mensagem na página, respondo quando possível: https://www.facebook.com/CarlosDaanrlley
caso queira mais mods como esse, mantenha os créditos, e o link original de download!
Peço com muita educação que respeite o trabalho dos outros.