unloved by Caliber Complex Loved by me

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Jhon Doe

CC patches D E T A I L S

wave 1
Mannlicher 1905 by lucasncolombo
now shoots 40 S&W or 7.63×25mm Mauser depending on what file you pick

Smith and Wesson 1917 by WhiskeyRiver2 (i will forever un love WhiskyRiver)
shoots 45 L   O    N   G  Colt with an additional 22 receiver most common on dead guys

webley by TactaGhoul
there is a bug where you can hear NPC's reloading this gun from far distances i dont know if this is just a me thing or him but just know its not
because of this file
it now shoots what else but 455 webley
i replaced nick valentine's insult of a gun with a Webley let me know if there are any issues

Wave 2
M1 Carbine by undyne777
now shoots 30 carbine and 5.7
and dont try leaveing a comment telling me its impossible to do that
because its a video game and its cool and i will delete your comment fuck off

VG Double Barrel by mrtrry
now shoots 6 gauge vintage

OTs-33 Pernach - Pistol by FX0x01
converted to appropriate bullet

MP-412 - A Standalone Revolver by ajhakra
now shoots 357 cowboy magnum

feel free to ask for more guns to add to this patch list but if it is a extremely popular gun that has every patch under the sun and you want
one small change then just know im not here for that