Pride 2023 - BT3

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Saw the Pri-DEMON-th thing going around, had to make a shirt. Easy as that. 

**What's included:**Pride 2023 (Jeans)
Pride 2023 (Shorts)

4 shirt variations I hand made:
Demon- Rated E For Everyone
Emo - Making this shirt is obviously Gay/Lesbian Solidarity! 
Demo - For the Gaymers and disaster gays in your life. Also Demo Mains....
Moth - Let's go Trans people!! 

I'm lazy and it didn't turn out good, so MALE ONLY


Q: Will you Allow female meshes?
A: If you can make it look good on a female form and not like a whole mess, show me and I'll decide. 

Q: I'm mad that you made pride content!
A: You know who would like to hear about that?! YOUR THERAPIST!

Q: Where can I find?
A: Riot's hair is a personal port of Nightcrawler's BEAM hairstyle | Gage's hair is a edit to Anto's TATE hairstyle in the Anto Hairpack | Riot's Glasses are from my Y2K look | Skin textures on both are personal edits | I don't share personal content, sorry!