My Simple Blueprints for Clean and Flat 1.2.2

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I enjoyed all blueprints in vanilla. But always start cleaning, scrapping things.....bahhhhhh

I downloaded Clean and Flat 1.2.2(not Clean and Flat 3.1) and Start again :)
I Tried Clean and Flat 3.1 and is GOOD too. But is not the same mod. Maybe some blueprints are valid for 3.1, but not all.
I start blueprints for Clean and Flat 3.1 when i finished with 1.2.2 settlements. ;)

For example, Redrocket mantain the Redrocket garage... And i like all Settlement clean. So i decided to test first with clean and flat 1.2.2.

My friend shieldandsword, make some VERY GOOD Blueprints, like Sanctuary, Red Rocket, Tenpines Bluff, Finch Farm, Abernathy Farm, The Slog, The Castle.... ALL Super GOD!

But 6-7 settlements is not ok. So i decided to make my own Blueprints for the Rest of the settlements. There are more than 30!!!!!!!!

I made one by one putting some effort(i am a beginner in Fallout 4 workshop xD), so i decided to make it super simple and easy.

Using prefab houses, decorate little by little, plant things, put some trees here and there, some benches... Finally i got few settlements with 25-30 people looking SO GOOD. And i decided to share.

Sorry if the modlist are large and some mods are discontinued. Or moved to other sites like Bugthesdanet xD

I add new settlements when i finished.

Modlist required(No links) :

            "CWSS Redux.esp",
            "Usable Vending Machine (caps).esp",
            "HZS Easy Homebuilder and Working Double Beds.esp",
            "Evan_Modular Kitchen.esp",
            "Modern Firearms.esp",
            "Northland Diggers New.esp",
            "AES_Renovated Furniture.esp",
            "GKX Apple Tree.esp",
            "Crimsomrider's Unique Furniture.esp",

Maybe some more. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please VISIT my friend Blueprints shieldandsword to get the mods.

They have all complete List of the mods in all his Blueprints!!!!  With Links :)