Legendary and Ballistic Weave Compatible Super Mutant Armour
This small, lightweight mod adds ballistic weave and legendary support to all Super Mutant armour found in the game as well as improving the base stats on them slightly as in vanilla it is pretty rubbish.
Changes only affect the Super Mutant armour that Strong can wear that you can find naturally in the world - Super Mutant enemies do not use these so are unaffected.
You can find the armour spread throughout the Commonwealth as normal (no changes or extra spawns) but I have also added these items for sale to the existing friendly Super Mutant merchant Erickson in Far Harbor (found at Horizon Flight 1207, north-west of Acadia) as an extra source of these items.
You must unlock Ballistic Weave normally through the game (or via console commands using Set RailroadClothingArmorModAvailable to 1 and then Set RailroadClothingArmor_ChanceNone to 0). Similarly, I would recommend a mod to modify legendary effects on items (such as Legendary Modification) to add legendary effects to the items as they do not spawn with legendaries in the world.
Requires Far Harbor add-on.
What Does It Add?
Changes the following:
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Super Mutant Headwear
Super Mutant Aviator Cap now has +1 agility, no other stat change.
Super Mutant Bladed Helmet now has +1 endurance, 10DR, 6ER.
Super Mutant Cage Helmet now has +1 strength, 5DR, 2ER.
Super Mutant Helmet now has +1 perception, 7DR, 4ER.
Super Mutant Body Armour
Super Mutant Chest Harness now has +1 agility, 16DR, 8ER.
Super Mutant Cowl Armor now has +1 strength, 28 DR, 18ER.
Super Mutant Heavy Armor now has +1 endurance, 35DR, 25ER.
Super Mutant Light Body Armor now has +1 agility, 22DR, 13ER.
Super Mutant Shoulder Rags now has +1 agility, no other stat change.
Super Mutant Underwear
Super Mutant Chains now has +1 strength, no other stat change.
Super Mutant Arm Armour
Super Mutant Arm Guards now has +1 strength, 12 DR, 9ER.
Super Mutant Bracers now has +1 strength, 12 DR, 9ER.
Super Mutant Heavy Gauntlets now has +1 endurance, 17DR, 15ER.
Super Mutant Wrist Wraps now has +1 agility, 8DR, 6ER.
Super Mutant Leg Armour
Super Mutant Leg Armor now has +1 endurance, 15DR, 12 ER.
Super Mutant Leg Guards now has +1 strength, 11DR, 9ER.
Super Mutant Wait Cloth now has +1 agility, 4DR, 2ER.
Super Mutant Outfit
- Super Mutant Bearskin Outfit (Far Harbor) now has +2 strength, 30DR, 18ER.
There should be no conflicts unless you have another mod that directly changesSuper Mutant armour or Erickson's shop stock.
You will likely need to wait a day or so in-game so the stock refreshes.
My Other Mods
Check out some of my other mods I've made below!
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- Nuka World Market Vendors Sell NW Clothing and Raider Equipment
- Faction Themed Armour and Weapons Vendors (No DLC)
- Nuka World Improved Pick-Me-Up Station, Booze Still and Tribute Chest
- Even More Manufacturing
- Slocum's Joe Manufacturing
- Dog Armour Improvements and Ballistic Weave
- Legendary and Ballistic Weave Compatible Eyewear and Face Mask
- Legendary and Ballistic Weave Compatible Super Mutant Armour
- Pre War Fresh Food Crafting
- Settlement Fusebox Power Generators
- Smaller Carrots and Melons
- Invulnerable Enclave Turrets