Laurefindil Simplified Manufacturing

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Manufacturing machines are controlled by a terminal connected to their power grid which is used to select the recipe to build. This means that any corruption of the power network will wreak havoc on a factory, that multiple copies of the same machine need to be on independent power networks to build different items, and that adding a new builder machine is royally painful.

Well, no more.

What does this mod doAfter installation you will be able to set each individual machine's recipe by activating it with the third activation button (the same used for jump or to devour a corpse if you're cannibal).

This does not replace the terminal, it adds to it. If your setup requires terminals, you will be able to keep them. If you use the activator on a machine connected to a terminal, it will start building whatever you choose with the activator. This won't affect other machines in the circuit. If you later change your settings via the terminal, the machine will obey it and forget what was set using the activator.

The machine will build the last set recipe, regardless of whether it was set via terminal or via activator.

You don't need to use both methods at once. Only use the method you prefer. Mixing is fine, but remember that terminals override all the machines in the same power grid.

How does it workAfter installation you are given a hidden perk. This will enable the third activator button on vanilla builders, exactly the same way as Cannibal perk enables it on dead bodies. A popup message will inform you that you can now use it to configure your machines.

InstallationWarmly suggested to use a mod manager, as tracking down scripts is incredibly annoying. The package also installs source scripts.

UninstallationRemove it using the mod manager. If manually unpacked you'll have to track down the scripts on your own.

ConflictsIt won't work on any machine outside of the vanilla ones until I add patches for them (will add Better Manufacturing and Extended Manufacturing in the future).
The mod will work with any customized vanilla machine, however as the recipe menus are static using it with any mod that changes the order or number of recipes will cause the wrong recipe to be selected. Changing the ingredients is fine, as all the mod does is select the recipe. This won't affect terminals at all.

Likely conflict with Locksmith mod, which adds 3rd activation prompt to lock/unlock container (builder is a container). The provided patch will fix the vanilla machines, but not any mod added machine. This is an unfortunate consequence of builders being containers, the only way to fix it would be to add every single machine to Locksmith exclusion list, but I'm too lazy to do that.

Slocum's Joe Manufacturing won't work with this as it requires Creation Club content and as such I cannot build a patch. That machine will still work with a terminal.
Manufacturing Refined won't work with this mod as it has been rendered obsolete by latest Better Manufacturing version and stopped working.
Ammunition and Explosive Manufacturing DLC extension won't work as it brings the number of recipes past 20 and this is not supported by menu dialogs. The vanilla version however is supported via a compatibility patch.
Better Manufacturing drugs machine is missing the Psychotats and Skeeto Spit as they are over the dialog limit of 20 buttons.

Compatibility PatchesLocksmith
Even More Manufacturing
Perfectly Balanced Manufacturing
Munitions Manufacturing
Ammunition and Explosive Manufacturing - DLC extension won't work as it brings the number of recipes past 20 and this is not supported by menu dialogs.
Minutemen Manufacturing
Better Manufacturing - drugs machine is missing the Psychotats and Skeeto Spit as they are over the dialog limit of 20 buttons.
Factory Add On

Contraptions Workshop DLC of course.

Adding new machinesIf you want to add this functionality to new or custom machines it's pretty easy. These are the steps in the CK:

  • Add LaurefindilSimplifiedManufacturing.esp to your masters.

  • Create a new Message, with the title as Message Text and one recipe name for each of the Menu Buttons. Make sure the order of the buttons is the same as the recipes in your machine, otherwise you'll get the wrong recipe selected.

  • Open the Container object of your builder and add a new Keyword LSM_Builderkeyword. This will tell the engine that it needs to add the third activator to that object.

  • On the same Container, add a new Papyrus script choosing LSM:LSM_BuilderScript. On the Properties for this script make sure you set your newly created Message as the value for LSM_Message.

That's it! Now your custom builder can use the third activator. You don't even need to set up Terminals or Terminal Submenus if you don't want to, this is enough to get your machine working.