40K Necron Weapons and More

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Ragnarr1313 - DaiShiHUN

**40K Necron Weapons and More

The Necrons are an ancient and mysterious intelligent species of undying robotic warriors who resemble Human or Aeldari skeletons. The Necrons have lain dormant in their stasis-tombs on various Tomb Worlds across the galaxy for millions of standard years, pre-dating even the rise of the ancient civilisation of the Aeldari.

The Necrontyr, the organic humanoid precursors of the Necrons, were obsessed with technological advancement to overcome their short lifespans. As a result of this obsession with scientific research, Necron technology is far in advance of anything the modern starfaring species of the galaxy can produce, including the wonders to be found on the Asuryani craftworlds, and may seem impossible or supernatural to younger, less advanced races.

While Necron weapons almost invariably teleport away or self-destruct along with their defeated wielder, it is whispered that this may not be the case with Necron artefacts recovered from the depths of Tomb Worlds. Only the insanely strong or strongly insane would dare plumb the depths of a Necron stasis tomb in search of mythical treasure.

There are 6 Necron weapons in this mod and 3 static settlement objects that can be built and placed in your game for you to enjoy.

The Weapons

Necron Gauss Blaster

Necron Gauss Flayer Mk1

**Necron Gauss Flayer Mk2


Necron Scythe

Necron Synaptic Disintegrator

Necron Tesla Carbine

Necron Fel Blade

Necron Phase Blade

******The weapons do not have any special animations or upgrades, and I will not be making any for them. They are just a basic no frills Items just the way I like them.********As stated above in red the weapon cannot be improved or changed at the Weapon Workbench, other than having a legendary effect added to it.****The mod items can all be made at the Chem Bench and have their own listing, so they should be easy to find.******The Settlement Items

Necron Altar

Necron Doom Scythe

Necron Tomb

These are just a settlement objects that do not move or can not be interacted with.
Static items are found in the Workshop, in Buildings, Metal, Prefabs and each gives a buff to the happiness and Defense of the settlements they are built in.
The mod is flagged as an ESL, so it does not take up any mod slots.
The mod is what it is, and unless it is a game breaking issue, will not be revised.

****The Necron Gauss Blaster amd the Necron Gauss Flayer Mk1 are used with permission from DaiShiHUN's mod  "WH40k Necron Gauss Weapons" and all credit for the meshes and textures and sounds go to them. The original mod can be found at the link below. Thanks again DaiShi for allowing me to port them forward into Fallout 4. :)


The other sound used in the mod is a resourse that was posted on the Nexus by boxfoxxo "only audio lasgun sound effect" and is used with the permission listed on the resourse page.


The credits for the rest of the models used are in the proper location, where they are required to be posted.**
Necron Power Armor Sets are not available and are private mods.
Please don't ask where to get them.

I do not claim to own or have made the model or models used in this mod. They belong to their prospective owners and are only used according to a licensing agreement that is posted on the website from whence they came. All the information about the model or models and who owns/made them is listed in the Permissions and Credits section of this mod page, like they should be. . .