VegasStephen's Scrub Hub

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The VegasStephen’s Scrubbed series seeks to provide the community with stable and consistent versions of some of the best mods created for Fallout 3.  I have also selected mods that I consider under-rated or hidden gems for inclusion.  You can find a curated list of mods I’ve used within my Fallout Rebirth+ collection located on Next.

Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch (UUF3P) released a new version in October of 2022.  Unless updated, many mods for Fallout 3 will likely override portions of the corrections UUF3P intended to make.  I have updated these plugin replacers to include all appropriate UUF3P version 3.3.2 changes.  In addition, if the mod was dirty, they have been cleaned with Quick Auto Clean from FO3edit to remove disabled references that could potentially cause a CTD or unexpected behavior when used with mods expecting the missing reference.  Likewise, no mods will be released under the series that contain deleted navmeshes that could cause CTD’s or corrupt your save games.

The following mods have had their plugins updated.  I do not include any of the mod authors’ other assets such as textures, meshes, or sounds.  Consequently, you must download the original mod in order to use the scrubbed plugins.  For a full description of what is included, please visit the mod authors’ pages.  I recommend enabling Tracking for this page so you will be notified of new mods added to the hub.

A Trail of Crumbs - An exciting, fun and challenging quest to 10 forgotten locations.
A World of Pain (AWOP) - There are currently over 60 new explorable interior locations added of varying sizes.
Back To Anchorage - A mod adding a Post War version of Anchorage.
Beards of Fallout - Adds 12 new facial hairs to Male characters for Fallout 3.
Better Living Through Chems - Adds dozens of new chems with unique effects to the game.
Cannibal Plus - Adds extra abilities for Cannibals like increased health restoration for Human Flesh.
Chaotic Sun - Adds chimeric Item and a deep dungeon.
Collapsed DC - Collapsed DC is a medium sized world set in the rubble of the inner DC near Dupont Circle.
Companion Reilly - Simply complete the Reilly Rangers quest then you have two ways to make Reilly your companion.
Cross-Repair Weapons - Enables you to repair weapons using their similar counterparts that you previously were not able to. 
DC Confidential Scattered Stories - A collection of pre- and post-war notes and letters scattered around the wasteland.
DC Expanded - Untold Stories - A small adventure mod that adds dozens of notes to the DC wasteland.
Fairfax City Interiors - Adds new interiors and a few exteriors to the Fairfax ruins.
Fallout 3 Redesigned HD - Improve the appearance of NPCs in Fallout 3.
Georgetown Expansion - Explore new buildings in Georgetown (including the offices of Pulowski Preservation Services).
Lucy West Companion - This mod turns Lucy West into a companion with voice and lip-synced dialog.
Mini Hideout - Mini Hideout located in Springvale.
More Map Markers - Adds map markers to many existing places, some for convenience, others to assist exploration.
Mothership Zeta Crew - A whole new faction under your command that will embark you on a new story arc that takes place after the mothership zeta DLC.
Motorcycle Replacer - Replaces the in game motorcycle with my classic motorcycle.
Pittsburgh Expansion Project - Overhauls and expands on the Pitt DLC and aims to add more content along with more things to see explore.
Red Line North - It extends the Red Line metro outside of the DC ruins and adds 9 new cells filled with varying amounts of target practice.
Reilly's Rangers Compound Redux - An interior and exterior remodel of Reilly's Rangers Compound with new rangers, vendors and quests.
Rivet City Merchants 2 - Rivet City Merchants 2 introduces two stalls in the back of the Rivet City Marketplace.
Robco Collectibles - This mod gives players another set of "bobbleheads" to find throughout the wasteland.
Rockopolis Rebuilt - A new interior cell for Rockopolis.
Shadows and Dust - Tales from Southwest DC - This mod adds eight new interconnected interiors to explore.
The Comic Collector - A small megaton house addon with a comic book display room for your collected comics in the wasteland.
There's No Such Thing as Bad Publicity - A new, fully-voiced side quest in the world of D.C. to uncover a long-buried pre-War secret.
To Sleep Perchance to Dream - To sleep, perchance to dream takes the player on a surreal adventure through the use of various notes, hints, and puzzles.
Umpa Animation - Add some Dance and Pose Animation.
Vault 691 - Vault 691 is a quest mod that takes the player under the Dunwich Building.
Vault-Tec Hideout - A compact player home East of Big Town that contains many items and a good amount of detail.
Wasteland Opportunist Armor - A simple, yet stylish outfit composed of salvaged materials.


Requires the following mods to be installed prior:

  • UUF3P Mod - Latest version is required.

  • Original Mod - For the game assets created by the mod author.

  • Then install the Scrubbed mod.

Install with your favorite mod manager.  I recommend either Vortex or Mod Organizer 2.  Allow this mod to overwrite the original by selecting to merge or creating a mod rule to load after.  It must load after UUF3P as well.

To uninstall, use your mod manager to remove both this mod and the original.

The Bethesda team for creating such an amazing game.

AtomicTEM - For the idea to create the Scrubbed series.
Hairylegs222 - For keeping UUF3P up to date.
Ajax120 - For the Motorcycle Replacer mod, and graciously providing me permission to create this version. Mike Hancho - For creating A Trail of Crumbs.
DJMystro - For A World of Pain and providing permission for others to modify their files.
DeadlyAccurate - Created D.C. Confidential - Scattered Stories, and provide me permission to create this version.
Coleen - For providing me their permission to update Back to Anchorage.  Also created Rockopolis Rebuilt.
RowdyJoe - Creator of Beards of Fallout.
TelShadow - For giving life to the undersea areas of Fallout 3 and for creating The Pittsburgh Expansion project.
SethCreiyd - For creating Better Living Through Chems.
Yukichigai - For providing Cannibal Plus, and permission to update their mods.
KJ666 - Created Chaotic Sun and provided me permission to update their mod.
SomeKindOfElephant - For creating Collapsed DC and granting me permission to make this mod.
LunaxTec - Giving us Companion Reilly.
Neclipse - For creating Cross-Repair Weapons and providing people permission to edit their mod.
WinterRanger97 - For creating DC Expanded and adding more notes to the Wasteland and granting me permission to create this version.
GamerRick - Creator of Fairfax City Interiors and provided permission for me to create this version.
Earthbind - For creating Lucy West Companion.
Dracomies - For creating Fallout 3 Redesigned and providing me permission to update their mod.
AVirtualDuck - For creating the original Georgetown Expansion, and Deadmano for creating fixed version and providing permission to post this one.
KingShelby - For creation of Keller Family Refuge and granting permission for people to update their mod.
Rayek - For providing us Mini Hideout and granting me permission update the mod.
XYXOR - For creating More Map Markers and granting me permission to update their mod.
Nylonathathep - For providing Mothership Zeta Crew and permission for me to update and post this version.
GoldenBlossom - For creating Wasteland Opportunist Armor and granting me permission to create this mod.
Hwiccian - Creation of Red Line North and providing me their permission to update their mod.
ElderMalaclypse - For creating Reilly's Rangers Compound Redux and giving me permission to create this version.
Donlemonade - For creation of the original Rivet City Merchants, and Mogomra for the second version and permission to make this mod.
Donlemonade - Creating Shadows and Dust and providing gamers permission to edit their mod. Millennium155 - For creating Robco Collectibles and granting permission to others to modify their work.
Comicboy00 - For creating The Comic Collector and providing the ok to other gamers to modify their work.
UltralightBeam - For creating No Such Thing as Bad Publicity and providing me permission to clean their plugin.
Thefourwings - For creation of Ties that Bind and providing the community permission to make changes to their mod.
DullCandle29 - For providing fixes for Ties That Bind and giving the community the option of using their work.
PuceMoose - Creation of To Sleep Perchance to Dream.
Umpa - For creating Umpa Animation.
Necroflange - For creating the Vault 691 mod.
TomLeamon - Creator of the Vault-Tec Hideout mod.
Onowrouzi - For providing us the We Want More mod and granting me permission to create this version.
Drg6525 - For creating Sydney Follower and opening up their mod to the gaming community.

If you enjoyed these mods I recommend going to the original author’s page and providing them an endorsement.