Vault 101 Tutorial Bypass

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Simple game saves for skipping the tedious Vault 101 tutorial. 

There are two saves to choose from. V1 has good karma & V2 has bad karma. 

No cheat commands or mods were used.

Version 1 (V1) - Karma is Vault Guardian 
Grognak the Barbarian mag
Medicine Bobble Head 
Overseer is alive
Saved Butch's mom from radroaches
Tunnel Snakes Outfit

Version 2 (V2) - Karma is Vault Delinquent 
Grognak the Barbarian mag
Medicine Bobble Head
Overseer is dead
Butch and his mom are dead
Tunnel Snakes Outfit

1 - Copy the save file into your Fallout3/Saves folder.
2 - Load save in game.
3 - Change anything about the character you want upon exiting the vault. 
4 - Enjoy playing Fallout 3.

UPDATE: if you do not have all the DLC installed, you may get a message that says something like (this save relies on content that is no longer available) This will not matter as the DLC does not fully activate until after you have left vault 101. I have tested both save files myself without any DLC activated and the game ran as normal.