Vanilla Sledgehammer Retextured by spankboy20

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Hello All,

This is just a more detailed re-texture of the vanilla sledgehammer. This mod uses the vanilla mesh so it will only be a texture change, so the shape of the sledgehammer will not change.

I recently completed by first and "good" play-through of Fallout 3. I today, started my "evil" play-through, while using the sledgehammer as sort of a main weapon I grew tired of the texture and wanted to up-scale it with all new textures for that crisp feel. I personally feel this looks pretty nice, it's up to whether you like it or not.

I am currently satisfied with this re-texture, but it may be subject to change if I feel needed, in this case I will release an update of this re-texture as a separate file so if you like how it is you won't have to change it.

