tGranfWorld Bethesdas Test World

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Tel Shadow

This is the same reasoning for the other two Bethesda Test worlds only this seems to be for more of a testing of a cutscene which im sure was never used, I find it very interesting to see these little worlds and how they are just for testing and seeing what ideas they had in their head seeing it all kind of does give me afew ideas in the future to expand on and I guess this is also a good way for some of us new modders to new too, seeing what's under the car sort of speak.

The way to get to this world is easy go to the springvale school and on the left you will see a burnt down house and a house behind it which the door would normally be boarded up but now its not enter the door and boom you are in the other world.

Will conflict with (QAWorld Origin Bethesdas Test World and tLandscape Bethesdas Test World) due to same placement to the world.